Clama InVeniam

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It would have been remarkable to boast that despite all, Lyra Prince was able to almost rival Hermoine during their study periods. Alas, for the sake of her House, she resisted the temptation and kept her mouth shut. Lyra felt ready now, more than ever before since having that tea with the Grounds Keeper. Of course, her time in the study hall was always under quiet observation, by his Truly.

With all due respect, of course, she had made the all the wiser decision to not go against his word again. It was upon the eve of the final midterm when she was in one of the many scattered study halls, finishing up her summery for transfiguring disguises when Rebecca chose to sit, alone, strangely, away from her fellow House members and she seemed to be as right as rain if not a little sad.

This little observation was taken to heart, quietly, while Lyra herself was writing down more classic hints to keep aside for later. As she and her friends were keeping their noses down, Rebecca happened by, with this insecure, yet tired look in her eyes. Hermoine shifted her eyes to her then to Ron and Lyra who soon all turned to her.

"Do you think I- I can si-sit with you?" she asked, holding two dusty books to her chest.

Lyra studied that strangely haunted look in her eyes before humbly nodding to the Ravenclaw. Rebecca placed her books down beside Lyra's set and sat down. She mouthed a shaky 'thank you' at them.

"...are you- have you been well?" Lyra softly asked, in a hushed voice.

"As well as I can help it," Rebecca replied, slowly.

"Well, as far as mental health goes," Hermoine began, sneakily. ", one can go so far as to seek to go it alone, all the while trying to avoid the problem. Bravery to the one who comes to talk through it."

Of course, it would appear harsh in those blue mirrors called Rebecca's eyes, because Lyra could nearly feel the aftermath of it all, despite the lack of detail. Although, after a moment, Lyra spied something that seemed like there was a sweet little shred of honest wistfulness in those mirrors that touched the redhead's heart deeply. She only listened.

"I-it, it wasn't all bad," Rebecca's voice still shook. "I had an all manner of help~ which reminds me... I have a question. Don't think odd of me..."

"Well, of course we won't~"

"I know, it is a silly question, but he does not seem the type, but... do you know whether or not that Professor Prince has any fondness towards sweets?"

Ron stifled a laugh, which earned a nice glare from Hermoine. Lyra smirked as she thought to herself for a moment, warmly looking at the Ravenclaw...

"As a matter of fact, he does. Professor Prince has a fancy for strawberry confections, of any kind. Just naturally." "Strawberry? Really?"

"Oh, do trust me on that." Lyra giggled, feeling cheered up. "It's not a joke."

"I thought you were the only one who took to strawberry!"

"Who likes strawberries?" asked another voice, that belonged to Neville, whilst in a hush. It made the entire table snicker, rendering the tutor at the writing desk to look up in alarm.

"Get'r off, we need to get you a bell~" Ron uttered after having a startle.

"For all that is Good, do keep your voices down, Gryffindors!" hissed the tutor, whose hat was almost shaken clear off her head. "This is a study hour~ Do be considerate..."

Even at this, a few Slytherins watched from afar at their table, with one or two snickering at their general direction. As though that weren't enough, being caught to make the gaggle even worse.

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