Godric's Hallow

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Something sparked in the night, while his enemy was safetly tucked away. Molten was the quartz at first until it seemed to solidify as though in an instant by the mere touch of a wand. Slow, the blade came into view of its maker, ragged and curved... shaped just so to cause cruel, immense damage... Time was drawing close now.

Winter was only around the bend as daily life, as well as school life remained more stable than how it was when the year began. The first snows were just beginning to shimmer in the air, peppering over the grounds and the Castle's many turrets in a thin blanket of moon white. A grand portion of the Black Lake was soon frozen over, so thickly, that even snow carraiges were able to ride across it for some fine sport on weekends. Of course, that came with some close hand supervision. Even with some of this delightful reprieve, the mystery that beguiled the trio remained at large. However, the thrill of the knowledge that the year was close to concluding was so very high, as the stress of final Examinations were gradually coming to a gentle end as the great Holidays would approach.

This lovely change from the weekly regiments of work and study, to delightful recreation and calm was eagerly invited. It was more than the frivolity of it all, but it was also a time to reflect about what came to be as the natural year was reaching its end... Lyra was exceptionally amazed as the castle grew quieter, more peaceful and more majestic in its naturalness when not overcome by crowds of youths on every hour of the day. As snowfall started soft and light, gracing the mountains with her adoring blankets, warmth and light awaited anyone inside her corridors. As more children began to leave to go on their holiday, Lyra felt enamored by the beauty of the Great Hall as it was gradually being decorated with these stunning, lively Pines. Rather than being chopped traditionally, these were magically grown on the grounds. Hagrid brought it upon himself to bring in the mightiest one among them all, to stand behind the Head Table. It stood so very high as Professor Flitwick stood upon a high stool as he levitated these golden charms up onto its branches with such gingerness as though it were an art.

Lyra came here in order to meet up with Ronald, who was staying at Hogwarts for the season with her, on account that his parents were visiting a big brother of his in Romania... He told her that his brother studied Dragons there! Quite an extraordinary profession it was in Lyra's mind, to face a power that was a Dragon... Only she had heard tales of them despite her magical heritage, but never had she ever seen one herself. Happily though, she sat herself down, with no baggage or belongings to take along, however, it seemed that Ron was eagerly setting a thick stone checkered board down on the table. It drew her interest because even she had her own favorite game, growing up ~ So she wondered what his could be...

Soon enough as the pieces were dished out, she realized that it was a chess board. A fairly elaborate one at that.

"Care to play?" Ron offered as Lyra sat herself across from him, as he too sat.

"Let me guess because I think you might make fun of me... Is it Chess?" Lyra's face lit up with a smile.

"Chess... as some kind of checker game... No, even better... It's Wizard's Chess! Of course, you've played before, Lyra~"

"Sorry, Ron... but only the ordinary version of it..."

"You have to be bloomin' joking~"

"Sorry, but... no." she smiled, quite intrigued as she watched the pieces all begin to clamber, all by themselves, onto the board itself.

"I thought Prince was not that ordinary behind the doors..."

"Truthfully, he prefers that more than you think... Yet he did teach me to play!" Lyra seemed to hold some excitement in this new board.

"Oh very well, Lyra~ Fine... Which you want then? White or Red?"

"Oh, um... I'll take the white." Lyra settled more into her seat as Felix saw her shoulder as one comfortable place to be, nipping and playing at her hair. "Oh, you hush!" she giggled at the antic.

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