Tea with Hagrid

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She had never ventured further out from the castle before, going beyond that wooden bridge that graced the clocktower courtyard, stuck out like a sore thumb, compared the grandeur of the entire castle... with her turrets and scaling towers seemingly kissing the sky with such ease. Lyra remained side to side with Hagrid as he seemed to take her on, across this mighty bridge that lightly touched the forest that which met the sundial rock formation just beyond. Lyra found herself transfixed by the stunning view of the forest. These gorgeous pines scaled along the Scotland countryside and they adorned the castle's turrets so nicely~ She caught a peek over her shoulder, sighting just how massive this place actually was. Although, her stomach knotted tight with some common anxiety, along with the thought that she was not allowed to leave the grounds alone ever since those detentions. However, this felt different.

At once when they reached close to the hillside clearing of clovers, the two felt more comfortable~

"Has he... ever talked to you?" she found herself asking, whilst keeping the feline close to her chest.

" O'course he has, lass. Ol' Orphie, he... he's seen much fer one so young, y'know?" Hagrid held onto an air of solemness that was far too thick, even for him. "He ~ It is a harsh thing — for him. To trust..."

"Yes, I know..." Lyra agreed, yet feeling her heart sank further, and right then, she realized she was sadder than she thought previously. '...not even me,' she thought cruelly to herself. "Because of me..."

Hagrid furrowed down at her before he came to a gradual stop. "No. Not 'cause of you, darlin'~"

"After what has happened ~ The horrid choices of mine... They only made matters worse. I did not mean to hurt him more, I really didn't. This first year here, it was meant to give that back to me... The trust he had in me... Ever since—" Lyra almost began to cry but strongly refrained. "What am I going to do?" she painfully asked, meeting with the Half Giant's sorrowful, starry brown ones.

Hagrid seemed as though he did not know what to do besides letting her come close with the feline in hand and embraced her close with both of his mighty hands over her shoulders and back.

"He warned me and told me so much, time and time again, and I still messed everything up~" she choked. "Maybe I am just reckless..."

"Naw naw naw, now ye listen to crumbly old me, aye? If I know enough, is that he adores ya more than anythin'~ You light up 'is life. Yer that star in his eye... He's a harsh one 'cause he has to be an' it isn't 'cause of you. Ye learned well, didn't ya?"

"Like a fine kick in the pants, I did."

"Aye~ and just respect the rules he's set and... well, ye didn't hear it from me but um~ He's already forgiven ya. He knows just how strong you really are. We all know that..."

"Oh Hagrid~" Lyra sniffled and wiped her eyes with a piece of her robe.

"Come along~ I know just the thing to cheer ya up!"

Mrs Norris soon preferred to walk on her own, so with one nurturing lick to the girl's cheek, Lyra politely set her down onto the murky pathway so she could tag along while snooping about for a ground squirrel or two in order to pass the time. Alas, it was to let the girl with her own for a little while, given how broken she sounded to her own ear. Yet, while she caught one she followed the two down to the cozy little old hut just down the hill. It was only a single, rounded cottage nestled in a disarrayed garden of gourds and very massive pumpkins still connected to their tight thickened stems. A few bushes of strawberries randomly sprouted amongst them all like innocence trusting the strong against all odds. This place was so quiet with just the wind, the nearside creaks bubbling to the songs of distant birds. Such sweet things was always something to look forward to when life would feel too fast or boring...

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