A Princely Reunion

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Lyra continued to focus on the flames soon after sharing her tears on the stone steps. Those sweet words from the gifted hand book kept reminding her that despair was a useless choice in this hellish predicament. Deep down, there stayed that flutter of faith, thankfully, however she grew evermore upset for a reason — that much she knew — If this was happening now then it meant that he was safe... That hope she held on for dear life as she once again looked around when she thought she heard something shift. It goosed her enough to rise up with that same hope shining in her eyes.

The flames afar gracefully began to change from deep red and orange to pure emerald green within a blink.

When her eye caught onto that streak of black and formal deep night twilight frock, Lyra's heart skipped a beat when he stepped right on through into full view. Gasping out in joy, Lyra sprung to her Guardian as he weakly staggered into the chamber.

"Father!" her voice squeaked high as he felt her run directly into him, allowing Prince to take her fully into his arms in a great sweep of relief. How free she felt to be covered in that cloak and to hear his deep voice lax in her ear~ hushing the words I am so sorry...

His chest pounded against her cheek as she rested against it which proved that her own emotions shared with his like many times before. Besides the great tear in his cloak, everything else about his person was sound, and alive. Her greatest fear wilted away into concern when his heavy breathing slowly calmed as his hold grew more firm around her.

"I felt horrible after the wall closed~ that I would never find you again..." she expressed.

"And yet, you waited for me. I heard you." he finally spoke, strong again. "Have I not told you to never walk about at night?" Prince prodded in a jokingly dry manner that joined in with his brief smile of relief. "It is one of our key rules..."

"H-how could I not, knowing that man was around...?" she said, her voice growing smaller. "... it could have gotten so much worse~"

"How far could it have gotten so much worse, my little fawn?" he reassured her. "Be still... there is not a trace of harm on you..."

As he was making sure there were no marks on her person, no injuries of any sort, she noticed the massive tear in his cloak when he rose up. It was the chilling reminder that there was truly a fight earlier. However she chose to stay quiet when he took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Without even needing to ask of it, he held a vial to her... and Lyra, she took it with ease.

"You could have been— I-I mean he —" she struggled to say before she felt him hold her reassuringly by her shoulders.

As soon it was certain that she was looking him right in the eyes, he told her, "Yet, he did not."

Right in them, Lyra could see a spark of an emotion reminding her that her doubts have always been naught but lies thus far and held no merit at all, because the truth was directly before her eyes. There was evidence of anger, disappointment besides the fear was slowly dying off the more they talked.

"As for those nosy little cubs of yours... They are awaiting for your most opportune arrival," he continued off being sure she kept alongside him as they were depart away from this place.

"Are they all right?" Lyra quickly asked, frantic. "I did not mean to lose them —"

"Certainly you did not intend to leave the safety of the dormitories before twilight. Certainly you did not intend to journey too deeply into the chamber..." he prodded at her, gracefully swaying his wand across the air, and an arch formed dustily out of the stone as a means to make their way back. Lyra held a deep look of embarrasment. "Indeed, the girl who lived thrives on the thrill of disobedience at the worst of times..." Prince drawled further.

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