More than just Intuition

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Professor Prince felt a little safer apparently since days turned into weeks as the lessons wore on. Allowing her space to go and explore and the entire Peeves incident was merely a wake up call that poking about was not the wisest thing to do. As far as word went, that fool was locked in the Pandora's box again and left to wait. Lyra remained obedient to his expectations. She never took that ring off nor did she ever consider taking it off, even at night.

Eventually, he changed from checking the ring every evening to simply checking it on Friday evenings, every week... which was honestly amazing to Lyra. Although it drove her to not screw up this privilage. Particularly on Flying Day which were held every Thursday on the Training Grounds, taught by the stony Madame Hooch.

Her Guardian was particular about these Flying lessons, because Lyra had noticed, from a distance, that he would observe these classes, sharply. It was a personal hint to her that he did not enjoy this. He had this look in his eye, that only she knew about him, that told her that he was anxious.

Madame Rolanda Hooch though carried these lessons out with such care as if she was let in on this beforehand. It was the third lesson after the first two being all about respectfully tending their brooms and lifting off the ground...
Today was going to be something different, and Prince was watching.

This witch was a fairly beautiful woman, with golden eyes rivaling that of a hawk's, and she was often the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, as far as they have been told. It was heard tell that she was brash and to the point when it came to her teaching habits. Prince's way of teaching was not to be mistaken with this because he gave reasons for why things were the way they were. McGonagall was very demonstrative... Flitwick was all about emotional focus. Hooch's was all about students doing it for themselves~ very hands on.

"All right, children. Now that you're all awake and present~ do take your places, like we practiced — Come, come, get on with it."

The Gryffindors being lectured with Slytherins this time around knew better than to hesitate with scatterbrained daydreams, all got to the left side of their broomsticks.

"Mount them." was the next order.

They did so, with ease. Even though Malfoy was giving Lyra some stinkeye.

"Today we are doing something different. Today, I will demonstrate what we call a Side Wind. It is the matter of turning your broom whilst in flight. Quite different from flying along a straight line. Now, focus on me. As soon as I have shown you this tactic, you will try this out, in turn, upon my whistle. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Madame Hooch!"

By this time, she had already mounted her broom and began to fly straightly at first, down the lawn. From afar, they were able to see her make a direct turn around back to the group again, and she easily demounted and skid to a stop right where she stood prior.

Lyra clapped along with the others, with her stomach tied into a knot, of course.

"Basic if one knows their way with the broom. Now, Draco Malfoy. Why don't you go first." Hooch pointed directly to the smirking, golden lad. "You're looking sportly. Show these pups what it takes~"

"An honor, Professor!" Draco said, jogging forth with pride.

"Of course, he would go first." Ronald groaned with the girls in earshot. Lyra only cleared her throat, with her focus being on their secretive audience.

Draco did so without much effort and his lackeys cheered on like two toddlers at their first parade. As the first thirty minutes drew on as each student had taken their turn at making turns around the lawn, it was soon Lyra's turn. Stepping up to the task took some courage, with everyone looking at her right now. Her classmates, Hagrid was walking by as well and Prince~ well, she had to give it her all.

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