Swish and Flick!

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The Hall smelled fresh of hot bacon and pumpkin spice, alongside the smokiness of the stone torches that guarded them all under their watch, of lions, eagles, and badgers. Each of their stony heads seemed to turn and scan over them all as they ate up their fills. Glinting jewels as if from their eyes became more apparent as the sunlight beamed ever brighter with each minute.

Lyra and Hermoine both found the Weasleys once more at their table, the both of them noting that their teachers were breakfasting, same as them. Without needing any prodding, Lyra took a fine bite of eggs and then some thickly buttered toast as it floated on by. In her near goblet, there poured a hog headed glass pitcher that was purely filled almost to the brim with Pumpkin Juice. On habit, she was close to thanking the floating pitcher, but she only smiled.

"Hey! Fond of you to come down, finally!" Seamus barked, gleefully. "We're off to charms today after lunch—"

Lyra nodded, prone to giggling with a mouth full of juice. "Can one just take a second to swallow?" she joked when she had the chance.

"No need to eat in a hurry, we only have a couple of hours until History of Magic~" Hermoine added.

" 'Ounds li' uh ru'y slee'er to ME!" Ron spoke with a mouthful.

"Absolutely nothing like the sort! Of course, only YOU would say that." Hermoine defended, gruffly cutting her egg fairly neatly. "How nice, you got yoke all over your robes..."

"Who teaches History of Magic?" Lyra asked, intentionally changing the subject.

"Professor Binns. Who's a ghost, amazingly..."

"A ghost?"

"The most boring one out of the House lot if you ask me... Heard he passed in his sleep one night and he never noticed... Went and taught anyway the next day..."

"Talk about dedication~ A bit sad, really." Lyra commented, continuing to eat some hash.

This had to be the calmest she had ever been since leaving home. Being able to eat without issue was magic of its own. The morning was full of leisure, even with the teachers and Prince were casually discussing things like they were, from a distance. Older students began bickering over Quidditch teams, as a couple of snitches began to flutter about like hummingbirds. Whilst that happening and eating decently for once, Lyra continued to think to herself. Among the things that were discovered earlier, of the strangeness of that Turban wearing sort, whose class she would have to attend some time this week, was nervously running through her mind. As to why Quirrel was stalking her, and why her Mark felt so sensitive around him... which made her think deeper that something else could be going on. Prince was so protective, and kept her and her friends separate from this character, and why Hagrid was so trusted. That tensity she felt between them back at the pub~ and those memory laced dreams.

All of this was sketchy to talk about at leisure, especially when classes were to be underway soon. There was plenty of time to mull over things, simply for the sake of mulling... especially during this historical class.

Breakfast was fine and dandy and they all had plans to fulfill. Prince's only requirement of her was to be at her best in these classes. They were a fine distraction to say the very least and there was good time to go fetch their texts. Upon the walk back up, however, there was that Ravenclaw girl who stayed shrunk during Potions the day prior. Slone, was her name?

Anyway, as she passed them at once, her books had fallen all over the steps. Lyra winced when one of the spines sharply jabbed her in the ribcage but it was all a fumbled accident. Something fell off as the stair began to move, unfortunately.

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