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All meanwhile, Lyra just stared off through the windows directly in front of her, just wondering what was going to happen now. However, the security she felt outweighed the shame by a mile and just tightened her sheet around her shoulders as a draft blew through the vast wing. Her ears seemed to ring from more of his forward tell-offs, which hardened her realization of how foolhardy she actually was... She knew his feelings towards it and whenever he would bring it up, she would instantly go on the defensive in a heartbeat. She did not know who her parents really were other than the fact that he knew them since his years at Hogwarts. There seemed to be complication whenever this Potter was brought up, with both jealousy and fascination. Yet, what of her mother? Prince always regarded her with a sort of respect, always stating that her kindness and love stemmed from Lily so naturally. His eyes were always sad whenever he spoke about her in any way. He was a complicated man, however, she knew him more than anyone here... It was among one of the facts that made her feel even more guilty than ever.

Despite all this thought weighing on her mind and soul, it was time to press on~ That very next evening, no doubt, after her stay at the Hospital Wing, Lyra was allowed to leave just in time for the daily dinner gathering in the Great Hall. With all these protective eyes about her, she had no mind of swaying off, especially since that little chat at the hospital and the event that fell apart a few days ago... It all made Lyra feel more like a problem rather than a young student, nowadays. However, the day was too much to think about now and she was beginning to feel some hunger pangs and sat at the near head of the Gryffindor Table, with talking to many of her fellow Housemates.

Others could see that she was in the foulest of moods, that even the Slytherins thought it foolish of even glowering at her. It was probably how much they knew just how close she was to the Potion's Master, and the least they would want was to earn his contempt as well... if they haven't earned it already.

Like normal, everyone was talking, bickering and jeering as they came in, with no doubt, mostly about the Quidditch teams and who made it on them or not. No one had a care in the world, unlike her, who noticed right off the bat that Professor Quirrell was nowhere among the gaggle of a gathering of the few teachers and neither did she see Prince yet. However, she was so distracted that she did not even listen to what her friends were saying as they all gathered about and sat down with her.

"You totally told that piss off al' good, didn't ya? Never thought I would have the courage..." Seamus chortled after he said those words, prodding a sore Lyra in the shoulder.

"This is not a delightful dinner conversation," Lyra glowered at her fellow.

"Golly, leave the lass alone, she's definitely not in the mood for your bark, Seamus!" Ron amazingly cut in, sitting himself between her and Seamus. "...sorry about him."

"It's all right," Lyra shook her head and took a portion of her hair to twirl it, nervously.

"How are you feeling?" Dean Thomas shot from the other end of the group.

"Better. A lot better, actually." she managed an answer before there was the tingling against a glass goblet.

It happened to be the rare occurrence of an announcement during a weeknight, of all times. It was such a surprise that the entire all were all silenced as though an alarm had gone off. Lyra ceased her slouching and sat up, able to catch a glimpse of the last of the teachers finally taking their seats. Jet black was enough for her heart to settle down~ however...

"The very best of evenings to you, my dear students." began the elderly Headmaster whose often twinkling eyes scanned them all over. "Do seat yourselves, and make yourselves comfortable. I do have a set of changes that I wish to announce before we all become quite enamored with our final meal of the day."

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