A Whole New World

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That, or she could just be fooling herself. At the moment, she couldn't care of which exactly, but for once these people seemed to glow from the very moment she mentioned her name. Mistake or not, this was her chance...

"No, no... I'm not lost, ma'am. I'm just... I think I saw you at the bookshop the other day." she chimed in, quite proud at the fact that she started talking.

Two other lads, who were oddly exact copies, both snickered under their sneers before rubbing the youngest boy, making his red head of hair all messy.

"Already getting the girls now, like we predicted~" one taunted before he got away.

"Oh bugger off, Fred!"

"Nah, we're only jokin'!"

"Enough of you two!" the woman snapped back, nearly having her hat fly right off her head. "How rude to act like show ponies, the nerve of you... If it wasn't for the Express, I'd send you to the car in a wink! Oh, dear, please excuse these ruffians... They always love to have a go~"

"Aw, that's all right," Lyra laughed along, feeling quite welcome. "I can tell they're fun lovers,"

"Well that is a FINE understatement," she overheard a whisper before the second youngest piped up.

"Say, I saw you at Flourish and Blotts!" the ruffled haired lad spoke up. "You left in quite a hurry..."

"Ah-yes, I did... Sorry. My, um... my sire had a schedule to keep so we had to leave early."

"Aw, I can relate to that - Name's Ron. Ron Weasley." the boy smiled with a nod, soon holding his hand out for a shake. That was something she gladly took, with things becoming brighter by the second.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Lyra smiled with laughter in her voice.

"Pleasure is all mine!"

"Not even at school yet and already the popular one," snarked one of the twins, she forgot which was which already.

"Are you a first-year, like me?" Ron asked, fully ignoring the taunt as the two parents looked on.

"Yes! This is your first year? I-I thought I was alone here..." she mentioned.

"Bloody brilliant Hogswarts is, even with the rumors..." George winked before getting elbowed by his own mother.

"Enough, you two... The lot of you are going to scare the poor girl into oblivion."

Lyra's happily lit smile almost diminished at the mention of a rumor, however, this moment was a precious one to keep. This was a fine reminder though, there were things she had to keep very hushed. Her excitement could ruin that...

"Being this as your first time as well, it would seem that we are cutting it close on the clock!" the woman spoke up with a mere squeak. At that little reminder, Lyra took a quick look at the clock~ It was two minutes close to eleven exactly. "Come, dearie, let us make like babies and get you and the boys on... Everyone knows they leave like clockwork~"

It was the moment when she got a good look at the Express itself. A brilliant red and black engine, pumping steam into the hidden station with such a different crowd, all chattering about how ignorant Muggles were or if their owls got snatched among other curious mumblings. Along with the family, Lyra pressed on, smiling as she took it all in.

Indeed, the interior of this place looked like the typical express line, if not a little aged, but it was quaint yet a little tight since other children were mingling among one another besides bidding farewell to their families. Merely, it was just enough actually being able to see more of the world... so as soon as she got on board as soon as her trunk was packed in, along with Felix, she looked around the cabins.

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