Flourish and Blotts

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Rosie... She was very much unaware of what was truly happening today but one thing caught her eye as she stayed by Hagrid, as she was told. It was the Prophet again and some magical folk were gawking at it, to and fro. As she learned from her own experience was the fact that it was frankly overrated at best. Seeing that had gotten a wand, Rosie's mind went back to her livelihood thinking on how strict it was going to get when Prince would soon return. Shaking all the worry of the news from her mind, Rosie gazed up, spotting the sign of the little bookshop, Flourish and Blotts.

In all honesty, her stomach dropped almost a mile, not in fear, but his approval meant the world to her. She only wished that what she had witnessed with her wand would not come up in future lessons, unsure if it would be upsetting or not.

The stroll may have been short but it certainly seemed long to her because of her natural brooding. She had learned from the best in that regard. The shop itself was just as tight as she predicted, with many literature pieces stacked high along the walls, kissing the high ceiling like trees. Among the skies, before they entered, there was a flock of ravens soaring past, one of which came over the buildings with ease. Paying them no mind, however, Rosie's only worry was not meeting her Sire's demand. Perhaps, she was overthinking...? One distracting thought, gladly, was how irritatingly small the shop itself was, compared to the wand shop. One other thing was how packed it was, on the first floor, no doubt.

"Anythin' the matter, lass?" Hagrid asked her, eyeing her a bit as she had her eyes locked on her new wand.

"It's silly, really. People know me more than I do myself, and... I'm feeling a little on edge about it."

After a moment, Rosie saw a black form dodge from her sights on the second floor which screamed familiarity to the girl. Feathery and swift, she was tempted to follow it, slowly scaling the stairway, away from the crowd. Hagrid though, almost thought he lost track of his charge, soon seeing her go upstairs towards what it would seem to be the restricted section. The moment Rosie saw the ebony frock, she knew who it was. The man loomed out from an aisle, flipping through a couple pages of one of the books he had chosen, checking if it was the proper one. His expression was unreadable, which was the norm for the girl.

"Sir, I hope we weren't gone for too long,"

"I never said that you were." was the dry response. The book was snapped shut and he proceeded to hand it to her ~ the title being Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger. "Do not expect this particular shop to keep everything in sight. This author is an absolute idiot, however, it should be a decent beginning. If I had my way, I would make my own recommendation."

As if Prince could sound any less bored out of his mind as he handed her the book, which only made her crack a sneer. Hagrid, on the other hand, decided to pay a visit, the floorboards tempted to crack beneath him. Prince seemed to pay him no mind, but Rosie gleamed at him for a second.

"When you used to let me do the simplest ones with you, making pepper ups, you'd actually chuckle when I blew one up..." she fondly said, whose words seemed to stir something small in her Guardian. His emotionless side glance did not hinder her moment of glee.

"Is that possible, wot?" Hagrid had the courage to speak. Prince regarded him, sourly.

"We are rarely granted fleeting chances of simple frivolity. Miss Rose, be so kind as to making yourself useful and begin your search for Magical Theory by Aldabert Waffing." he told her outright.

Her smile lessened but the gleam in her eye remained as she obeyed, heading deeper into the aisle, leaving the two magical men with their own for a moment. Hagrid earned a basically scornful look from Prince before pressed on to a more private corner of the second floor of the shop, despite Hagrid giving a spirited scoff.

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