Diagon Alley

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After that long night when she fell so devastatingly ill, the day came when all the treatments that were put forward were beginning to finish their work. It made Rosie remain in an enchanted sleep for who knew how long, but it made her break her fever eventually. But it left her feeling heavy and her emotions ran high. Yet, waking up warm and still was not to be taken for granted.

Soon enough, the girl began to open her eyes to someone sitting still by her side. She felt someone gingerly rub along her neck and back. Rosie felt sore, all over, justly exhausted from coughing and still overcome by her guardian's potion, that was gradually letting off. She locked her sleepy green eyes with still black ones, with the black slightly softening.

A hand cupped her head as she tried to make out what had happened. She was glad that she wasn't alone.

"... s-sir-" she croaked.
"Hush now." was the lowly reply. "You are only reacting to Dreamless. You are all right now."
In the way she was, she placed her hand over his upon realizing and remembering that she was sick. Barely noticing that her eyes were watering, she looked him in the eye once more. Not once did he pull his gaze elsewhere. With her emotions feeling so strong, something slipped from her lips... that was ultimately aimed at the guardian.

"... I love you." she uttered, in a voice so tiny and weak.
At first, Prince did not seem to react to those words, but something lit up in those eyes after a moment. The wind pushed the window open slightly, taking his attention from her for only a second. LouLou was present and magically had it shut and locked tight, with the curtain sweeping shut to darken the room more. With that, Prince got up from Rosie's side on the bed, but before he would leave, he leaned down over her, having this rare calm over his palor.
"You rest now." he quietly spoke. "You silly girl."
As soon as he uttered those words, there was the gentle thinning of his lips that indicated a tender smile.
Rosie weakly smiled back, taking this closely in her little heart. The true response she accepted was how tight he squeezed her hand. Taking his lit wand from the bedside table, Prince quietly left the room... with the door open, no doubt.

Prince was never one to just show much, but she knew what made him angry or accepting of certain things. He conditioned so much that she followed a set of rules like clockwork at home.

~ Rose Potter never called him 'father' or any name of that nature ~
(for he did not feel it appropriate and he believed that to be... too personal for their true plight, so he preferred to just remain as her chosen guardian - As 'sir' or Prince.)

~ She was never told his real name and that could be because of the dangers she was almost aware of. Bad witches and wizards did exist. People called him Prince or Orpheus, but neither of these were his true names.

~ Leaving the house alone for any reason was strictly forbidden and heavily punished.
(Punishments were always physical work, such as housekeeping, partial of the day or all day. Prince had never used physical punishments.)

~ Legilimency was only meant for them alone, and no one else. This gift let her in on emotions her guardian felt. He could tell if she would use it on other people.

These rules may have been slight but they were tough to follow sometimes. Although, Rosie did feel intense gratitude and love towards Prince. From him, she could tell that he loved her too, but for deep reasons, it was hard for him to say it. Knowing how he worked, she never pressured him. She could tell if he was worried or uneasy and it wasn't his facial expressions that told her of them. It was little actions Prince did, as slight as they seemed to be. They were likened to cues, if that was the correct term. Such as the way he kept himself between her and that other professor prior. Rosie had to trust what Prince said, but nonetheless, she was a little unnerved, sticking to her guardian's side, like glue. Prince glanced at her slightly, prior to taking his wand out.

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