Angel Of Mine II

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Onika POV

A Year Later

So now here I am, stuck on a hospital bed feeling weak as ever. Minding my business, living life, sickness over took my body, striking me. My body ached harder each day, skin and bones was the only thing on my body now, I no longer had meat on my body. Hair falling out, I'm almost bald, my heart wasn't strong enough anymore.

An unknown sickness, a deadly virus has struck America. It was at first very rare but it's slowly infecting each people everyday. About 30 people in the whole America right now has been infected with it and sadly I'm included.

VeroniaVirus is what they called it. Very deadly, very rare, it's the newest virus found in America right now. It's the most painful virus you could ever have, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Here I am struggling with this painful sickness, I wake up everyday feeling pain, I go to sleep each night feeling pain. It's so hard to treat this since it's unknown and new so doctors have yet to find a vaccine for this deadly virus. All the nurses can give me is over the counter medicines. 

I knew my time was going to be up... There is no way I'll be able to survive this.

I couldn't even breath properly. Intense migraines would hit me and I'll have to deal with it for hours straight. I've vomited blood so much, I knew I only had a little bit of blood left in my system. I couldn't walk, I don't remember the last time I've set my feet on the ground.

Each day I prayed to God to help me. Asking him to let me survive but now, I've lost all hope. I thought he'll help me... I don't know what I did wrong to him but he's not helping me. Expecting to feel better by each day it was the complete opposite, I was feeling worse each day.

Nobody wasn't allowed to visit me, not my mom, family or friends. I felt alone but of course there's only one person who has stayed by my side. Beyonce. My beautiful angel. My loyal guardian. My one and only lover. 

God thank you for gifting me her, what would I do without her?

She's been by my side this entire time. Never ever leaving me in this cold, dark, small room. When doctors or nurses would come in to check on me, she'll quickly go invisible. Still by my side but only I could see her.

Her heart felt heavy for me, I know it did. I know she hated seeing me in this condition but it was almost like she couldn't do anything about it. Everyday we prayed together. Holding hands, sometimes exchanging our prayers loudly to each other or just have a silent one.

My mother called me each day and she'll always have hot tears in her eyes, rolling down her beautiful face. Prayers, constant prayers, would leave out of her mouth. My friends called to check up on me each day as well but during this horrible time of my life, I've realized who were my real friends and families. 

Most people who I thought were my friends/family didn't bother to check up on me. It's ok though, because at the end, I've got the most important people in my life next to me, physically if not then mentally. My mama, 2 close friends and Beyonce, the only people I truly care about right now.

"Angel  please talk to me, I'm here. There's no need to be all sad and quiet," Beyonce's voice boomed in my ear.

"Beyonce I'm ready to die," Was all I said.

"Nika, what did I tell you about rushing death?"

"I c-can't take this anymore. You d-don't understand the p-pain I'm going through right now," My broken, shaky voice said.

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