An Everlasting Life & Love

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~Two beautiful but depressed souls that are immortal. What happens once they finally meet each other?

Onika's POV

With the way how I walked, you would've assumed a heavy set, bodybuilder guy was coming your way. With how angry and annoyed I am with life, my sharp heel clanked and thumped against these gray colored concrete ground.

The city tonight was alive with lights like always. Day and night New York City had no problem being busy. Hundreds of cars passing by along with people brushing up against one another on the busy sidewalks.

9:54 PM is the time, I should be up in my condo, snuggled up in my bed but instead I'm on the streets since my car decided to break down at the wrong place and the wrong time.

I don't care if there's cars still strolling down the street. I hate it here.

My heels soon stepping on the street getting ready to cross, knowing these cars won't stop for me. With only five steps, I could hear a extremely loud horn bursting through my ears and before I can even look up, 

here I was being crushed by this massive, huge truck. My body splattered on the floor and soon, my eyes shut close, getting ready to enter my next part of life again.


My eyes dramatically fluttered open, as if I were an actress in a movie waking up. The sun immediately blinded me but I was quick to open my eyes again.

A deep, demonic-like growl escaped my mouth as I rubbed the side of my face. My body indeed felt a little sore from the crash I've gotten into from my previous life but I know it'll soon wear off.

I checked my surroundings and noticed something insanely different. I'm no longer in my usual condo, rather in this huge, mansion-like house.

Perhaps I should stop and explain a few things to you? My life?
 Never fucking ending.

It simply goes on and on and on. I die and soon wake back up causing me to enter an almost different new life. 

Very tiring. Very frustrating. I've cried so darn much because all I want is my eternal peace but I can't even get that.  My soul unable to rest in peace forever, not allowing me to know and enjoy my after life.

Perhaps this may sound exciting to anybody else, being able not to die and continue to live your life for eternity but I swear it's the worst thing to deal with.

I've convinced myself that I've been cursed.  I may have done something to piss nature or God himself which they've banned me from entering my after life.

The amount of times I've died is truly depressing, I'm no longer even scared of death, knowing it has become my very best friend.

I stared out these insanely large windows. I felt like a royal in this king size bed. Back to what I was saying, I've noticed I'm in a new home which rarely really happens & usually when that does happen, it simply means there'll be something new that's going to happen in my new life.

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