A Dangerous Type Of Love

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Beyonce's POV

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Beyonce's POV

My eyes staring down at the silver-greyish floors. The more I stare, the more I could see tiny specs of glitter but I don't know, that can just be me seeing things.

My bottom rested on this uncomfortable piece which I call a mattress. The coldness in this room caused me to shiver here and there but I've gotten used to it so far. This room was just as cold as my heart.

I'm already an insane person but the quietness in this room was causing me to seriously loose my mind. No TV, no other prisoners to communicate with.

My crazy wild hair completely covered my face causing me to look like the madman I am and was born to be. The color that once used to sparkle and look so flawless, a pretty honey blonde shade was now as dirty as the prison cell I now rest in and call "home."

I don't remember the last time I've even brushed it, it now sits on top of my head like how a bird nest would sit on a bulky, cocoa-colored tree.

Not a window in sight... Not a soul next to me who I can at least bond with. A criminal like me doesn't deserve not even an animal next to me. The humans who know me are certain I'll kill it with ease.

I could hear keys outside of the large, silver doors. I knew it was my cue to get up and have these handcuffs placed on me since I'll have to go down to get my medications.

Sticking my hand out in the hole that was placed onto my door, I felt the officer place those chilly, silver handcuffs on my wrist. So heavy that It felt like it was weighing me down.

I stepped back letting the officer open the door. About 4 officers waited for me outside the door and soon, they were quick to place more chains from my waist down to my ankles.

"Morning Knowles!" The officer who I'm familiar with voice boomed into my ear. "Time for your pills."

We headed out and to tell you the truth, I always loved this time of the day. To be able to step out of that cold, small cell and get some fresh air and also take a nice walk.

I should be having my medicines brought to me instead but I was lucky enough to have the luxury to get them myself since many of the people who work here thought it's fine to let me out of my cell room at least once or twice a day.

Four of these officers guided and walked with me as if I were a celebrity and they were my bodyguards. With the type of criminal I am, they were certain that only having one officer to take me around was a horrible idea.

Standing at 6'4 made me almost bigger than most of the guards around here. I was a giant compared to most people around here. A female giant with a terrible heart whom everyone feared.

I'm one of the most notorious murderer in history. My name have circulated all around America, my pictures always popping up on the news. Who doesn't know me by now?

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