Angel Of Mine III

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Nurses and Doctors rushed in the room, fully dressed and covered not wanting to have any exposure to the infected patient who now was laying on the bed, dead. They tried reviving Onika, wanting to bring her back into this world but nothing worked.

They've accepted that their fifth patient who has caught this virus was now gone. The atmosphere in the room was gloomy, they've tried their best to keep Onika and the previous patients alive but nothing has worked. 

"Yup she's gone," One doctor says. "Well you guys know the drill, call her family or anybody close to her inform them the news, take her down to morgue area downstairs, lastly cleaners need to be in here and disinfect every inch of this room, immediately."

Staring at the picture of herself and Onika, Carol felt a sharp pain in her chest. She felt like her world has now torn down. No husband and now no daughter, how was she going to live? How is she going to survive? Who will be here for her and make sure she's good? She hoped that Beyonce would at least come visit her once in a while.

Her phone rang and she already knew who was calling. The hospital that Onika was being treated in. She picked up the call and interacted with one of the nurses who informed her that Onika is now gone. The words hitting her like bullets, she wished she could go along with her daughter as well. Now having no choice, all she needed to do was learn how to be and stay strong all over again...

Onika's POV

I finally was able to open my eyes but the bright light blinded me. Wondering where I'm at because it seemed like I was in a empty white place filled with creamy-pinkish clouds but soon I felt a familiar hand grab me. It was my one and only lover, Beyonce. She had that pretty smile on her face as she admired me.

"Bey!" I say in joy before throwing my arms around her. She looked slightly different up here, she looked so... magical. Her golden eyes were way lighter and her entire body glowed like a bright light.

"Come my love, let's go home. Everyone's waiting," Her deep, soothing voice said. Her voice sound like warm chocolate to me, it was satisfying to hear.

No other words being said, I let her guide me to my new home. Fluffy clouds filled the floors, it felt like I was almost floating. She looked back at me and that warm smile appeared on her face. I could tell she was filled with happiness that I'm finally here in heaven and so was I.

I just knew this was my real home, it genuinely feels like I belong here. It also felt great that I no longer felt sick, I feel much stronger and healthier. My hair that has once all fallen out is now back, my head was full with my jet black hair that stopped down to my butt.

I looked like my old self again but just better. I was no longer skinny and my skin looked so healthy, I was literally glowing. Glowing just like Beyonce. Humming could be heard from her as she pulled me along towards two huge golden gates.

An angel stood in front of it and soon a almost surprised but happy look came upon his face. "Welcome to paradise darling," He says to me.

"Thank you," I say. "Nice to finally meet you."

He nodded his head along with a smile  on his face. I then saw him put a hand on Beyonce's shoulder, giving her a small squeeze. In seconds, the gates to heaven finally opened, cool air hit my skin making me close my eyes and taking in a deep breath.

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