A Match Made In Hell II

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This story contains, self harming, explicit and graphic details, discussing rape and abuse.


Her small boy heard the gunshot which had scared him to death. His little legs running up the stairs before entering his parents room. "Mama?" His little voice called out.

As he walked further, he noticed his mother lying on the white tiles of the bathroom, surrounded in her own blood. The younger hesitated, didn't know whether or not if he should walk further. The sight of blood didn't scare him since he's seen it enough, but the amount of blood surprised him.

He's never seen this much blood pour out of his mother.

"Mamaaa," He softly sang out before he made himself comfortable on his mother's body.

"Mama w-wake up, let's p-play a game," He managed to say as his voice cracked. 

No words or not a sign of movement came from Onika, so the little one simply continued to sit next to her, hoping she'll wake up soon like she always did.

Bursting through the doors, Lauren appeared in the room. Out of breath, tears filling her eyes before they rolled down her face. She's been crying throughout her drive here, surprisingly she didn't die on the way from the speed she drove.

Laurens' usually home, her home wasn't far from Onika and Beyoncé's house, only about 5 minutes away. So all Lauren thought was, "Out of all the days, why did Onika decide to pull something like this on the day she was a bit far from home?"

If she was home, maybe she would've had enough time to save her sister.

"NIKA," Lauren's voice strike through the bathroom once she burst into the room. 

Kaiser looked at the lady he was unfamiliar with, confused but happy to see somebody he's never seen before. The only people he's only seen is his parents. Was never able to interact or even meet another child or adult.

"Oh my god, Nicki no," Lauren cried as she crouched next to her dead sister. Sobs was the only thing heard in the room as well as angry words.

"God Nicki, I should've tried harder to take you away from her!" Lauren screamed through her tears. "I tried to save you Nika, please wake up for Kaiser and me."

Beyonce's POV

I stood in the middle of my bedroom as I watched the paramedics place my dead wife on the stretcher. 

Detectives here questioning myself and Lauren but Lauren mostly told them everything, about how Onika texted her before committing her suicide. I was speechless, this all still feels surreal to me.

Her blood which I loved seeing was gonna be my last time ever seeing it smeared on the floors again.

 I no longer was going to see her beautiful face everyday now. I no longer was going to hear her cries and her words pleading and begging me to stop hurting her.....

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