Stolen Love III

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Onika's POV

Officers, multiple officers guided and walked with me through my new home. The cold handcuffs rested tightly on my hands. I'm a petite woman, there's no reason for a person to fear me, especially a bunch of trained, professional cops. But the one's with me couldn't even bear to look me in the eyes when they spoke to me. Uncomfortable energy was all I received from them.

Oh of course they would find me disturbing and as crazy. I laughed to myself as I thought about the events from earlier.

More than four police cars and S.W.A.T team surrounded my elegant home. They all busted through my doors as I'm continuing to enjoy the sweet flesh of Megan Pete. I spoiled my mouth with the sweetness of a chocolate cake as well.

"Aww arresting me so soon?" I innocently asked. They all have their weapons pointed at me as I am now an extremely dangerous threat to humankind. "Why not join me and help finish this lovely dinner I have set? I'm sure there's enough for everyone."

And with that, laughter left my lips like the madwoman I've become to be...

The cop on my right side glanced at me before a shaky breath left his lips. I could tell he couldn't wait to throw me in a cell and be done with me forever.

The stench in this facility was sick. I don't think it's even safe to be inhaling such air. As I walked through the facility, I see the female criminals stare at me through the bars and open glass of their cell doors.

Some stared in hunger, others stared in curiosity.

It seemed like an extremely long journey to get to where I needed to be, my steps were beginning to get heavy and tired before finally reaching my destination. I stood in front of a woman. She's an inmate herself. Her cold eyes stared at me with this hardcore look that could scare anybody off.

My heart jumped; sudden happiness filled my soul.

"Onika my love, oh come to mama," She opens her arms wide waiting for me to fall into her arms and give her the pure sweetness she's been missing for years

That's right, my lovely mother also being a dangerous criminal to society has been placed in this prison facility since I was 14 years old.

Unlocking me from the handcuffs, I then jumped into her arms and embraced her so tight. I haven't hugged her since the teenage me hugged her in that court room before being sentenced to life imprisonment.

Oh, what crime did she commit to end up in this situation you may ask? For doing almost the same thing I've done.

Gruesomely murdering my father in cold blood for cheating and abusing her for many years.

I guess it ran in the family to tell you the honest truth. Not only has my mother and I have killed our significant others but so has my grandmother as well... And her mother... It seems to be a generational curse in my words.

My grandmother did not chop my grandfather up or stabbed him like a balloon. She rather poisoned him when one evening she made him dinner. She kept it nice and clean. My great-grandmother's husband disappeared one day without leaving any trace. My great-grandmother then confessed on her death bed at the age of 88 to indeed murdering him and then setting his body on fire before burying him in the backyard of her small home.

But as for me, I think I took it quite too far with murdering both my girlfriend and her side piece and then turning her into various dishes, feeding her to my girlfriend and myself, resulting in me practicing cannibalism.

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