Chapter 21

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                                Mia POV

Arriving home at 6 I hurry up and get changed into something more comfortable before Warren arrives.

Going over to the couch I lay on it and turn on the tv I shamelessly turn it to a random tv show .I wonder why he wanted to talk so urgent not like he's been ignoring me. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that someone was pounding their fist at the door. Getting up I look at the time and see it's only 6:45. Opening the door I see Warren in a all black outfits with a cap and sunglasses on.

I open the door wider for him to enter. He rushes in and takes off his sunglasses.

" HURRY CLOSE THE DOOR" he whisper shouts

I hurry and close the door and lock it. I go up to him and cup his hands in mine" Warren what's going on your freaking me out"

" It's about Jason I need to tell you something. But promise me you won't freak out until I explained everything.'' He let's go of my hands and cups my face I nod at him.

'' I know everything Jason has done to you. He has me doing certain work for him that can get me in so much trouble, but mostly I'm trying to protect you. I'm telling you this because your going to help me bring him down.'' He says

'' BULLSHIT If you knew the whole time why are you just now saying something to me. I've tried to get your attention but you would never call me back so what's changed.'' I spat at him as pull away from him and walk over to the couch.

He gives me a surprise look before coming over to sit next to me. '' Mia ever since I first meant I knew I needed to protect you. Yeah Jason is my best friend and I've done so much fucked up shit for him but that's the thing he has stuff on me and I have to listen to him. But I've found a way to get you away for him for good.'' He says pleading

This is all becoming to much to handle. Yes Jason has done fucked up shit but he said he was sorry and then Warren comes over and springs all of this onto me it's to much.

'' Warren what if I don't want to get away from him I mean did he apologize to me today. What's the worse that he can do.'' I shrug my shoulders.

He roughly gets off the couch and runs his hands through his hair '' You can't be that stupid Mia ask yourself what happened to his other assistants once you do that come find me but until then I warned you.'' With that he slams the door on his way out.

Could he really be telling the truth. I mean Jason did say he was sorry and I kinda forgave him but Warren seemed so determined to make me see it his way. I do like Warren a lot but my heart runs a little faster for Jason. But is Jason lying all about this could he be trying to harm me. And what was up with his past assistants. Reaching for my phone and purse I really need to get out of here and think about everything.

Pulling up to my parents house I see my dads car is here but I'm not surprised that's my moms is till missing. Opening up the door it's really quiet to quiet.

'' Dad'' I shout


Walking into the living room I see there is papers all over the coffee table. Going over I pick one up and it reads " Divorce Papers'' what no one has said anything to me about it.

''Mia'' I hear my dad behind me

Turning around holding the papers up '' When were you going to tell me about this.''

He sighs and shakes his head '' Well me and your mother haven't been doing good for along time. I will always love her but I need a change. With that I'm getting older and I've decided to retire and fins something new that I enjoy.''

This can't be happening I mean yeah I've known that this might happen but where's mom going to go and what about me working with my dad now I know the reason why I barely saw him there.

Rolling my eyes I toss the papers back onto the coffee table. '' I mean if this is what you two agreed on them I shall live with it. What's going to happen with mom.'' I question

'' Apparently she's already bought a apartment with her new little friend.''he says

'' Well that explains why she was never around. Also she cheated on you with my ex boyfriend just saying that's why I hold a grudge against her and plus she gave up on being with us.'' We both sit on the couch

'' Yeah I known about that and I know that she was seeing someone this whole time. I'd stayed with her so you could have both your parents together.'' He says sadly

Grabbing his hand I give it a squeeze '' Dad you didn't need to do that if it made you unhappy for a long time.''

He nods his head and gives me a little smile.

'' Enough about me has work been and the new apartment?'' He questions

Oh boy

'' Well I love the apartment a lot it's becoming home a little bit. Work is work I guess but I guess I can handle it.'' I say

'' That's good I know you are going to do great things Mia.''

Reaching over I hug him and he hugs me back '' Thanks dad''

He gives me a kiss on the top of my head and I pull away. Looking at the time I realized I need to get home it's getting late.

Standing up '' Well dad I'm going to goi do have work tomorrow.''

He stand up '' of course'' he chuckles

I gather my things and he walks me to the door. '' Don't be a stranger and come visit me more .'' He says giving me one last hug

'' I will dad I promise'' with that I get into my car and head home

On my way home I realize two things I need to choose who do I believe in more Jason or Warren......

Authors note

Thoughts? Jason or Warren who will she pick?

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