Chapter 26

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                                Mia POV

After spending girl time with Katie and getting some much needed sleep I feel better about the things she pointed out. I do think I need to have a discussion with Jason to make sure he is wanting the same things about me and the other Warren did say he would call me back but I'm going to give him until when I have lunch today to call me or I'm going to call him then.

Walking into Danvers Enterprise this morning I'm at met with some smiles and good mornings to glares. Stepping off the elevator I go to my office at find Jason already in here going through my papers.

" What are you doing"

He freezes and looks up at me giving me a glare.

" Just looking for some missing paper work. Seems like you haven't sent me the correct things almost costing this company loss in a millions dollars Ms. freeman."

" I've done everything you asked me to do and the stuff that you neglected to do yourself. "

He abruptly gets up and slams the stack of papers he was looking through and starts to leave when he gets beside me he grabs my arm and makes me sleight turns toward him.

" Just find me those missing papers and maybe you will still have your job at the end of the day"

He lets go of my arm and leave the room. Going over to my desk I sit down and start to reorganize the papers that he messed up and get a head start on the work for the next couple of weeks. 

Looking at the time on my phone I realize that I worked through my whole time I take for lunch which means I'm going to have a late lunch.  I send a text to Jason and tell him I'm taking a late lunch. I decide to take the stairs because I want to get out of this building quicker  taking out my phone I call Warren.

Hey you busy

No why

Would you like to grab lunch with me so we can talk

Yeah where at

Emilios Cafe  by the water front

Okay on my way

Okay see you soon

Hanging up the phone I get into my car and start to drive towards the restaurant. On my way there I pot a black car behind me I decide to take a detour around the block and still notice it was behind me. Arriving at the restaurant I park in the spot and watch in the red view mirror as the car parks right behind me. I look at my phone and see Warren texted me saying he was here. Getting out of my car I don't look behind me and act like I don't see them there and lock my car and go towards the restaurant. Stepping inside I look around for Warren and spot him in the back corner going towards him he finally looks up and smiles. He gets up and we share a quick hug. Sitting down we order food and drinks as we are waiting I take a quick glance out of the window and notice the car is now gone.

Weird wonder what that was about

" So what do you want to talk about" he ask

" I just want to say sorry for how I acted toward you. I shouldn't have screamed at you and accused you of being brainwashed and all that"

" Yeah that was kinda intense. In my mind I already forgave your for it because I know you got worked up and your just trying to protect me."

" Im trying my best to keep you safe."  He says

" I'm grateful of that honestly but I wish you would drop this whole thing of Jason situation. I want us to go back to normal be friends."

" Yeah I would like that too"

He reaches over and lets his hand grab onto mine pulling it towards him he gives it a kiss. I chuckle at his actions and I feel myself blushing. He lets go and I quickly put my hands back into my lap.  Our food finally  arrives and it makes my mouth water I guess I was really hungry. As we are eating we make small talk about our days so far. I don't mention Jason's little outburst earlier as my arm feels sore now.

" How about this weekend me and you go out and do something. I could blow off some steam and have fun. What you think" I ask as I look at him curiously

He nods his head " It's on then"

Deciding it is time to leave I go to pay my bill but he stops me.

" I got this" he says already giving his credit card to the worker

" You don't have to I got it" I say trying to intervene

He gives me a playful glare which makes me chuckle. He walks me toward my car and opens the door go me,

" Remember this weekend me and you" I say poking my finger into his chest

" I know I remember see you then love"he gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes to his car.

Wow is this going to be a actual date

Warren POV

Getting into my car I take my phone out of my pocket and see that Jason has blown my phone up.


Calling him back " What the hell dude I was busy"

He chuckles " I know I had someone inform me that you and Mia were on a little date "

Rolling my eyes I know what he is trying to do make me spoil information to him on what actually happened.

" we just had lunch and that's it"

" That better be it dickwad because if I found out something is going on between you two then all hell is going to break loose. Starting with her then you. GOT IT"  he screams at the end

" No you watch it I starting to get sick of your shit I'm only doing your shit for you because I want my kids back" I growl

" Okay fine then you pick your precious kids or her. You have until the next Monday to decide"

I pull my phone away from my ear and throw it against the dark board I hear my phone make a cracking sound just great.

What am I going to do....

Authors Note

Sorry took a little break for a couple days. Plots twist Warrens has kids who will he choose to save them or Mia.

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