Chapter 25

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                                   Mia POV

2 weeks later

The past two weeks have been extremely good. Jason has taken me out into dates and started to spend quality time with me. The last two nights he's been staying at my apartment then staying with me through the day. Hopefully our friendship can become something more.

But ever since that night with Warren and the threesome we haven't had any sexual anything and it's kinda nice just hanging with one another and getting to know one another. With the time that's gone by Warren hasn't reached out once but I have my suspicions that he is still communicating with Jason because sometimes he would excuse himself when his phone would ring. I don't say anything because it's not my business.

Walking into Jason office once it's time to leave he is on the phone talking to someone. He looks up at me and I silently walk to the couch to the couch to wait. Not paying attention to his conversation I pull my phone out and tell Katie we need to hang out and I texted my dad to make sure he was doing okay.

" Yeah I'll drop her off and come meet you" Jason says and hangs up

That catches my attention and I look at him but he just gives me dumbfounded look. Getting up I walk over to him and sit on the edge of the desk crossing my arms in front of me.

" So who are you meeting" I say and twirl my finger on his desk

" Business I need to do" grinning at me

Rolling my eyes I start getting up but he grabs my wrist and yanks me back against the desk shooting pain up my wrist. Wincing I try to pull away but he just growls.

" Don't start getting jealous it makes you act like a bitch" letting go of my wrist

I wrap it toward my wrist to try to ease it " Whatever I want to go home"

I go over to my purse and grab it waiting on him to get his stuff the walk and ride of the elevators as filled with tension. Getting into his car we sit in silence the whole time he didn't say anything the whole time so I didn't bother to.

Arriving to the apartment parking lot I get out and slam the car door not looking back I dash up the stairs until I get into my apartment. What crawled up his ass and soured his mood.

I go into my bedroom and change into something more comfortable. Sitting on my bed I call Katie I really need my best friend.

Hey what's up

Can you come over

Yeah everything okay

No not really just don't feel like being alone right now

I feel that well I'll be there in like 30 minutes I'll go home and change then I'll grab us food

Okay thanks

Hanging up I get comfortable in bed and wait on her. Not realizing I fell asleep until I heard knocks on my door I go open it and Katie walks in with the food. Yay I'm starving she heads towards the bedroom while I grab drinks out of the fridge I follow her into the room and we get comfortable and start to eat and watch a movie.

" So what's up" she says

" At work today Jason kinda snapped at me and I thought we have been doing good but know I feel bad" I shrug

" Men these days maybe he was just having a bad day"

" I don't know he was fine this morning then when I went to go to him to leave he said he was dropping me off and then he would come meet someone" I wrap the blame let around me tighter

" He's probably out with his friends drinking or something"

" He said he had business what if it's another girl. I mean we haven't had any sex maybe he's been getting it from somewhere else" I feel tears to come

" Nah I can tell he cares to much for you"

" I hope so because I'm starting to like him a lot" I let out

"Hmm" she says

" Hey what about that Warren dude" she questions

" Haven't seen in talked to him in a while. I kinda feel bad because the last time we got into a argument" I tell her

" Maybe you just have guilt and it's making you question."

Thinking about it " I think I'm going to call him and make amends"

Picking up my phone I start calling

Warren POV

Feeling the vibration of my phone I pull it out my back picked at seen it's Mia.

My love

Ever since that night two weeks ago I haven't thought about anything else but her. I truly miss her but it needs to stay this way.

" Hey ass wipe" I hear Jason call out

Turning to him I see him counting the amount of drugs and money. Yeah that's new I been helping him import and export drugs around Seattle. I'm doing all this for them until I can get them back I need to do this.

Going over I put the money into the bag and start loading it into the trundle of the SUV. Getting into the passenger seat I send a quick text to Mia saying I'll call her back.

Jason opens the driver side door and gets in and starts driving back into downtown. Pulling up to his apartment complex he goes over to Mia's car and puts a track advice under neath it and comes back.

" What was that for" I question

" I just need to know her whereabouts in case I'm not with her" he says

" That's stalker vibes dude" shaking my head

" Yeah but the plan is still working and soon I'll be able to get rid of her ass"

Not saying anything I grip the side of the seat and try to punch him in the face.

I'm starting to get tired of his ass something needs to change.

Authors note

Who do you think them is Warren is referring to? Thoughts on Jason's plan to get rid of Mia?

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