Chapter 22

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*Well I've decided to change the whole plot so as I'm trying to finish most of the time I'm coming up with it on the spot. But I will have the same original ending when I first started.


Walking into work the next day I was surprised to see Jason and Warren shouting at each other minding my own business I walk by and act like I didn't see it happening.

Half way into my work my door swings open and Jason comes stomping in. He kicks the door shut with his foot and goes over to the couch and plops himself on it. We don't say anything to each other so I resume what I'm doing when I finish the last bit of work I look up at him and see his is staring at me.

'' What?''

He just smiles at me and shakes his head  '' Are you doing anything tonight?'' He ask

'' Um no why''

He stands up and rolls his sleeves up to him arms, coming around to me he goes behind me to stand and I feel him grab the back of my chair and turn he around towards him. I now realize that his crouch is right in my face so I look up and him and watch as his eyes grow darker.

He bends down so that he is right in my face '' I would like to take you out tonight let's just say date''

Date? Do I really want to go out on a date with him he's but no

'' I would love to'' I say

He nods his head and straightens up and starts to leave as he is doing that I watch him stop and grip the doorknob and then looks back at me one more time.

'' Come in my office at 6 then we can go from there.''with that he leaves

By the time it reaches 12 I finally caught up on all my work and it was lunch. As I'm grabbing my phone and purse someone knocks on my door and I tell them to come. In walks in Adam great perfect timing.

'' Hey stranger are you going out''he asks

'' Yeah I'm just about to go out to eat do you want to come.'' I say stepping out

'' Yes we still need to catch up.'' He says

We walk to the elevator and we wait in a comfortable silence as the elevator arrives we step in and as the door start to close I see Jason step out of his office and anger comes over him he starts to walking towards us but the door is already closed.

Once we made it to the parking lot my phone keeps ringing I take it out and see it's Jason. I ignored him and focus on what Adam is doing.
We make it to the restaurant and we order as we are waiting for it I see Adam texting away.

" who are you talking to?" I ask twirling my straw around

He laughs and puts his phone down " Remember that girl I told you half about"

" yes"

" Well me and her are dating." He shows me a picture of her

I look at the picture and realize I've seen her before at the bar she knows Jason.

" I know her well kinda I meet her at the bar with my boss while we were leaving." I hand the phone back to him

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