Chapter 14

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" thank you for coming to get me"

'' No problem where do you want to go now''


On our way to the hospital I'm debating on what My story is going to be. Perhaps I say I got attacked by someone or my boss just raped me.  I lean over to turn the radio up but that doesn't last long because he turns the volume back down. Giving him a glare as to why he would do that.

'' Are you going to tell me why you look like shit''

'' No Warren I just need you to please drive''

He rolls his eyes are goes back to driving. I reach back over and turn the sound back up. We arrive in less than 10 minutes, I go to open the door and Warren grabs my arm.

'' Hey look I'm sorry if I'm coming out rude but i need to know what happen to you so I can help'' he says

'' I can't tell you yet but I will soon promise''

He grunts'' okay but I will stay out here until you come back I'll drive you home after.''

'' No you don't have to''

''This is final now go''

We pulled up to the emergency room as I am getting out of the car I look over my shoulder at him and see he is on his phone now. Sighing I shut the door and go into the hospital. Walking through the doors it finally all hit me that this happen. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? As I get up to the front desk I sign myself in and go and sit in the waiting area.

As I am sitting there my eyes feel heavy I lay my head back and close my eyes. I feel hands on me shaking me awake. I jerk away from the touch and open my eyes to a nurse giving me a worried look.

'' Follow me please'' she says

She leads me back into a room and I have a seat in the bed as she gets stuff ready to a check up. She walks in front of me and takes my vitals after she is done she tells me that the doctor will be in soon.  I take out my phone and see that I have 10 calls from Jason and 5 messages along with that. I feel my eyes starting to get watery so I turn my phone off and lay back onto the bed.

5 minutes later a female doctor comes in as she comes towards me I look away.

'' Hello I'm Dr. Matthews''  she says with a smile and then looks back down at her chart.

'' Ms. freeman what seems to be the problem today''

I get a cold chill and curl into myself '' I've been raped'' I whisper out not knowing if she heard me or not.

I look at her and see sympathy in her eyes '' When did this occur''

''Earlier today'' I say

''Oh okay would you like to perform and rape kit and then we can go into details on what happened after''

I let out a sob '' yes please''

She goes over to the cabinet and gets out a hospital gown and hands it to me. '' Put this on and I'll be right back'' she says then walks out.

I get up from the bed and go over to the mirror I and look at myself I look like I been through hell and back I look horrific. I don't want to know what I look like naked. I look at the door one more time and start taking my clothes off. As soon as I'm naked I look in the mirror at myself my breathe gets caught in my throat at what I see.

Big black and blue bruises are over my hips and stomach and even my wrist. I look down farther and see my thighs are even worse I see bruises and dried up blood all over the inside of my thighs and vagina. It's starting to hurt even more it's hitting me that it actually happened. I run over to the little trash can in the corner of the room and throw up in it. I'm disgusted with myself and how I look but I'm repulse by him. Getting up from the ground i while my mouth off with a towel and out the hospital gown on. By the time I finally tie the ties in the back the doctor comes back in.

''okay can you lay on the bed for me please''

I go over to the bed and lay back on to it. She comes over to me and ask for me to open my legs for her. She sits in a rolling chair and starts to get that kit ready.
She scoots closer to me and puts pressure on my stomach and feels around.

'' I'm going to swab the inside of your vagina and then I'm going to do some test then take your blood at the end''

I close my eyes as she starts to push the swab into me and moves it around. I wince as she hits a certain place.

'' Sorry I am about finished with this part take a deep breathe for me''

I do as she says and lay there as she does the rest of the test. She starts to take my blood and I get very nauseous as I'm looking at it. Once she finally gets my blood taken she takes everything and walks out of the room I let out a breathe that I was holding in.

She comes back in with a chart in her hand. She closes the door and goes and sits in the stool.

'' I'm going to ask you questions can you do your best to answer them for me''


'' what is your relationship with the attacker?''

I shake my head I can't tell her I do t know what he would do to me if he found out I told someone.

'' I can't answer that''

'' Okay what about whiteness? Did you tell someone after it happened''

I look her in eyes '' I can't tell you he will kill me''

She nods'' I'm going to call the police so you can file a report and tell them''

My heart starts to beat quicker '' NO'' I shout at her''

'' You can't fall them he is more powerful then the,money can't do anything please I will figure something out.''

'' Ms. freeman this is a crime it's out of my hands''

I need to get out of here I get up from my bed and gather up my clothes.

'' You can't leave I'll call security if you leave.''

I don't look back as I run out of there and run down the hallway to find a bathroom. I find out and rush into a stall and start to put my clothes back on. I pull my phone out and look at the time SHIT I've been here for 3 hours. Warren fuck I don't know if he is still here. I dash out of the bathroom and go out a emergency exit and go to where his car was last. To my surprise he is still hear I run over and get into the car.

'' Mia what's wrong'' he says in a hurry

'' We need to get out of here fast''

He looks at me with surprise and starts the car up and pulls out of the parking lot. We sit in silence for a good 5 minutes before I speak up.

'' where are we going''

'' to my place so you can tell me what's going on''

'' I told you I can't tell you'

'' Your going to have to come up with something to tell me before I call Jason and ask him''

'' no don't call him or anything I will tell you okay''

He scoffs but nods his head what am I going to tell him I can't tell him the truth he is Jason best friend.

We pull up to a luxury apartment building    I gasp. He parks in the underground park lot and we both get out and start to walk toward the elevator together. We get in and I shrink away as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

Getting up to his apartment seemed like it took forever could feel the tension in the air. He guides me towards his apartment as soon as we got off the elevator. He opens the door and gestures for me to go in first.

As soon as I'm in I walk towards the  living room and stand there I hear him slam the door shut. Then I hear him walk up from behind me.

" Now tell me what's going on and you better not lie to me" he growls out.


What's tour thoughts? Is she going to trust Warren and tell him the truth? What do you think Jason is going to do next?

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