Chapter 16

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                             Mia POV

" Are you accusing us of doing something?"I spit out in anger

He takes a step towards me " it sure looks like something is going on here"  he then looks down at my body, a shutter of disgust goes through me just as I open my mouth to say something back nothing comes out.

He gives me a harsh glare " and look at that your evening wearing his clothes."

Suddenly Warren comes up behind me and pulls me behind him. Finally safety

Warren pushes Jason back a little into the hall " watch it dude nothing happened"

Jason scoffs and takes a step closer " you sure the little slut was never innocent to start with"

" Jason your making a complete fool out of yourself. First you show up here in the middle of the night then  you start accusing us of stuff. what's next!"

I see Warren body start to shake in anger I reach out and grab onto his hand and give a slight squeeze . He takes a deep breathe and composes himself then looks back at me with apology look on his face.

Smiling slightly" I would like to go back to the room. Please"

He nods " okay just one minute. "

I suck in a breathe as he turns  back around to Jason.

" Jason come in I'll going to help her back to bed." Warren says

Jason turns his attention towards me with a smirk on his face and a dangerous glint in his " I would love to"

He goes towards the couch and sits. I grab on Warren and tug his hand he follows  me back to the room. Closing the door behind him, I go and lay down while he sits next to me.

" you okay" he says while rubbing my cheek

" Not really I'm not really feeling good just hurry back.'

He nods his head and kisses me on the forehead. My eyes flutter shut and I feel his get up and leave.  I start to get butterfly's in my stomach, I really am starting to like him he makes me feel safe. But I need to deal with Jason first I'm scared of what he will do next I need to think of something before it's to late.

Warrens POV

Walking into the living room Jason is sprawled out onto the couch looking up at the ceiling.

" Hey man what he fuck is all of this about''

He looks over at me " Just had some suspicions. I needed to see if I was correct or not"

Leaning against the wall" Yeah and what are they"

" That something is going on between you and Mia. Don't try and fool yourself I can see how you look at her and I don't like it.'

Rolling my eyes " You are such a dumbass you know that. We are just friends she needed to help and felt safe enough to come to me.'

" But he is the thing dear old friend she is mine she works for me not you, so whatever you see in her needs to stop.'' He growls in anger and gets up

Walking forward " You are such a heartless bastard. Something in you snapped because you are totally a different person. No wonder I never come see you anymore it's because your obsessed with her and more than likely scare her into submission.''

Chuckling " What's that suppose to mean. huh. Let's not forget I control your whole life now ever since that little incident with my last PA. So I think I will keep my new one she is quite fun.''


" what now speechless. That's what I thought. So if you want to keep our little secret a secret I suggest you keep quite or else you won't like it.'' He says walking towards the front door.

" Jason if you really came her just to accuse me of stuff I would suggest not to mess with her because it will be you going down in the end."

He chuckles and opens the door " Well see dear friend." With that he leaves

Sighing I go over towards the liquor cabinet I pull out a bottle of whiskey and sit down in the couch and take a big chug of it.

What now...

I feel a hand start to shake my shoulder opening my eyes I see Mia looking at me with a surprised look.

" You fell asleep on the couch. Why didn't you come back to bed" she says softly

" I must have fallen asleep drinking."

" Oh um is everything okay"

" Yeah"

Looking around for my phone I don't see it. I need to do something real quick.

" What time is it."

"9:00" she says softly

I push myself off the couch and stretch. Hearing my bones pop make me feel a little better. The smell of alcohol is all I can smell right now. Going towards the bathroom I turn on the shower and make sure it's a on the coldest setting.

Wrapping a towel around my waist I walk into the bedroom to see Mia looking at her phone. Walking up towards her I crouch down and place my hands on her thighs she stiffens at this.

" Hey you okay"

" yeah just debating on going back home or not" she shrugs

Humming " Well you are welcome to stay here forever how long. But I think it will do you some good to see your family. Trying to get as close a normal as possible."

She wraps her arms around my neck and lays her forehead against mine.

" Warren thank you for everything you've done for me. I promise to tell you who attacked me but I need time."

Smiling at her " I promise I will wait for ever how long." Kissing her forehead I get up and go into the closet. Throwing on some joggers and a shirt I walk back out and and see Mia with her back against me gathering her things.

" Your leaving"

She jumps and turns around " You scared me!!" She says out of breathe

" Burt yeah I'm going to go back home to see my dad."

Walking up to her I tuck a piece of fallen hair behind her ear " Promise me you will keep in touch."

" I promise Warren."

I watch as she gets everything and walks towards the front door follow behind her giving her one last hug and a kiss. She leaves

Walking over towards the couch I grab my phone and see that Jason needs me to come to his office.

What does he want now...

What do you think of Jason threatening Warren. Will Warren leave Mia alone or not.  Why do you think Jason needs Warren at his office for.

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