Chapter 30

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Its been 2 days since Jason told me about his little plan. I'm not going to do it obviously but I need to get ahold on Warren and ask him for help. The last time I saw him we need on a bad note and I feel really bad for it because it was my fault in the end.

Jason told me I could work from home today but to come in the last 2 days of week. Which I was fine with because I get a break from the office. As I am finishing up my last bit of emails my phone rings.

Picking it up I see it is Katie; I answer it and hearing her screaming pulling the phone away from my ear I put it on speaker.

"Move you asshole" I hear her yell

" Katie what the hell"

" Sorry girl people don't know how to fucking drive today or more like any day but it's worse today"

I laugh at her silliness and look at my computer seeing that it is is already 3 o'clock. I need a break from this stuff.

"  Hello are you still there" I hear Katie say

" Yes sorry I was getting comfortable"

" Comfortable aren't you at work"

" No I was allowed to work from home today"

" Oh okay well since your home I'm coming over"

" I still have to work for 2 more hours then I'll be done"

" Okay fine with me but I'll be there in like 20 minutes"

" Ok text me when you arrive"

"Sure will"  she blows a kiss at the phone and hangs up

I set my phone down and relax more into the couch I guess I could rest my eyes for a couple minutes. I'm startled awake from the door bell going off repeatedly I didn't mean to fall asleep but I get up and open the door to Katie with Panda Express in her hands.

She walks in and goes straight towards the couch and sets the food down on the coffee table I close the door and lock it and join her on the couch. We start to open up the food and dig in.

" when did you have the time to get all this" I say stuffing my face

" Um it's 4 o'clock"


" I guess" she says and eats more noodles

" Damn I'm behind on work. I need to finish damn it" I set my food down and put my laptop on my lap and check my emails to see 5 new ones and appointments I had to make.

" Woah woah no food is more important plus you still have time to get done" Katie says as she takes my laptop and gives me my food back.

" But" I look at her with sad eyes

" No buts eat" she says

I nod and start to chow down i guess I was really hungry because I was stuffed when I was done.

" So how's work" Katie ask

" A complete shit show Jason making everyone work 3x harder and then causes us to either stay late or get there earlier"

"Sounds awful I'm glad I don't have that job"

Laughing at her " You don't even have a job" I question her

" yes I do one that pays really good" she winks at me

Shaking my head " Getting money from rich old men does not count"

" Hey all they ask is for my company nothing attached I don't give out specials or anything. Maybe I will become a model or something" she says laying back on the couch

" Sounds like a dream" I say and start back to work

As I'm finishing up my work I look over at Katie and see she is fast asleep, I close my laptop and put it on the table and go and get a bottle of wine lord knows I need it I grab a glass for Katie because I know she will want some.

I plop down next to her and shake her wake " Wake up I got wine"

That makes her open her eyes and sit up " Shit sorry I feel asleep did you get your work done" she says and grabs the bottle to pour some wine in her glass

" Yeah" I say and turn the tv on

" Good now we can gossip" she says

I roll my eyes and find some random tv show and then look at her.

" what do you want to talk about"

"Um what about Warren you haven't talked about him in awhile and plus I would love to meet him" she says and takes a drink

" We had a fight which led to him not talking to me. Even though now I realize it was my fault and I should have listen to him"

" Oh shit that sucks"

" Yeah it sucks because I really have to ask him something important but I don't know if I should bother him or not" I finish off my glass of wine with that and pour another one

" If you really are sorry for whatever you did just say you are and discuss the issues or neither of you will be whatever you were before" she says

I mean she does have a point but I really want the best for him and what Jason had proved that I do 2 days ago showed me his true color a lying piece of a shit this whole time Warren was right to warn me of him but yet I didn't listen to him. I really need to figure out a plan.

" Your right I'm going to call him later"

" That's my girl and can I stay the night I really don't feel like driving back home."  She asks with sad eyes

" Yeah I don't want you to crash or anything from the wine"

We stay on the couch and talk about everything else that's going on in our life's before we decide it was time to go to sleep.  As I get down with my night routine I shut the lights off and crawl into the bed and get comfortable. Getting on my phone I go to me and warrens messages and start typing.

Hey sorry for everything that really happened that night. I'm ready for you to tell me everything about Jason I need the whole truth. Get back to me when you can.

I hurry and send it before I delete it setting my phone down I lay there and think about if he will forgive me or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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