Ch.7- the idea

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Deku pov
When I woke up I felt something wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see I was cuddling dabi. I gently got out of grip and tiptoed around everyone else so I could get to my room. I looked at the clock and it said 6 am so I have time to shower and make breakfast before school starts at 8:30. After I got out of the shower I could see that everyone was still asleep I let them sleep cuz we did go to bed late. I decided to make something quick so I got everything out to make some pancakes. I got out my phone the school gave each of us and a pair of earbuds. I went to my playlist hitting shuffle. (he is listening to the song above). As I put the batter to cook I started singing along

🎶Should I keep it light?
Stay out of the fight?
No one's gonna listen to me
If I write a song
Preaching what is wrong
Will they let me sing on TV?
Should I keep it light?
Is that right?
Way up way up we go
Been up and down that road
Way up way up, oh no
We gon' burn the whole house down
Watch me stand in the line
You're only serving lies
You've got something to hide
We gon' burn the whole house down
We gon' burn the whole house down
Yeah, used to let it go
Walk into the show
Gawking at the tricks up your sleeve
Too good to be true
But I'm in a room
Full of entertainers and thieves
Used to let it go
Woah, oh no🎶

Dabi pov
I felt something move in my arms so looked down and saw that I was hugging deku. When he looked up I pretended to be asleep. He got up and went to shower. I was left there a blushing mess. 'Why the Fuck was I feeling like this because to deku' 'im probably just letting what shin said last night into my head' 'yeah that's what is going on'. I laid there for another half hour, not feeling like going back to sleep when deku went into the kitchen and started making pancakes. I was just staring at the ceiling when I heard singing coming from where deku was so I got up and saw him in his own world.

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. He looked so at peace and calm enough to let his guard down since he didn't know I was sitting behind him by now. 'fuck he's cute' I shook that thought out of my head. When he turned around to put the pancakes on the table his shocked expression from seeing me made me smirk.

deku pov
There was already a good stack of pancakes for everyone so turned around to put them on the table only to see dabi sitting there with a smirk on his face. I quickly put the plate down and turned around turning off my music. 'what the fuck why am I flustered' 'Oh Kami(god) kill me now I think I like that burnt chicken nugget'. I looked to see that the others were still asleep so dabi was the only one that heard me.

Deku: "what are you looking at burnt chicken nugget"

Dabi: "oh nothing just didn't know you could sing. why not show other people"

Deku: "since you heard me I can't hide it anymore. I used to sing with my mom all the time. It was a hobby to distress and relax. I kept it a secret because it was just something I like to do on my own since I left home"

Dabi: "wow~ the psycho deku has a sweet spot. Well, I think you should sing more often you are good at it. maybe you could give me some lessons"

Deku: "Stop saying stupid things and eat your breakfast before I take it away and you starve till lunch. Also, don't tell the others unless you want to be missing a hand."

I walked to the living room a blushing mess seeing that toga and shinsou are still asleep. So of course I pick up two pillows and to threw them, to wake them up. I laughed when they groaned while getting up. I looked at the floor seeing the mess of pillows and blankets everywhere and shrugged it off. That was a later problem and for later me. I went to my room and changed into my "uniform" and put on the white school shirt rolled up the sleeves, a pair of ripped black jeans, and grabbed my fingerless gloves to put on after I finished eating.

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