Character info

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Deku/ Midoriya Izuku
Age: 16
height: 169 cm, 5'5
~Blade Body- any type of blade can come out of his body. ex: katanas, daggers, Kuni, shuriken, etc. Unlike momo, he doesn't need lipids but if he uses it too much he'll get more cuts on his body.
~Simple info- He can see anyone's real name, basic description of their quirk by looking at them. he can turn it off and on at will. 
~Nightmare- A black mist that can make him go faster and hit harder. powered by peoples and his negative energy (eyes turn red when using it). If used too much could lead to getting out of control (berserk) and passing out along with getting nightmares. Could affect people near him in this state.
Additional Info:
- joined the league during his first year of middle school, so he was labeled as missing and presumed dead for three years.
- dabi and toga joined two years after he joined, so that would have been his third year
- deku was still quirkless after a year and a half after joining the league
- rewarded his quirks from AFO

Dabi/Todoroki Touya
Age: 17
Height: 179 cm, 5'9
~Creamation- He can produce extremely hot flames from his body which he can control and manipulate. He can burn a group of people to a crisp. He can use his fire to propel himself in the air. Flames stronger than endeavors. 
Additional Info:
- he is very perspective, can figure out a situation with a glance, ca see through a person's facade
- Fuyumi is the oldest 22yrs, then Natsuo 19yrs, dabi 17, and last is shoto 15
- left his family at the age of 7, fake his own death
- homeless for ten years until joining the league 
- scars caused by an event after joining the league
- More depth story in the future to come

Toga/Himiko Toga
Age: 16
Height: 157 cm, 5'2
~Transformation- by ingesting someone's blood she can transform into said person and her voice changes to that person's. the time it lasts depends on how much she drank. A cup worth of blood lasts a day. She can shift between disguises if she's consumed more than one person's blood. Example from anime when she changed from uraraka to cami. The clothes of the person she's transforming into develops as well, leaving her with both her clothes and theirs, so she needs to take off her own clothes beforehand and when she becomes herself again she is nude.
Additional Info:
- left school after an accident
-homeless for a year before joining the league
- comes from a not loving family
-joined the league the same day as dabi but they didn't know each other up until that day
- was already familiar with using a knife but got better after training with deku. 
- excels in stealth and spying
- she is more speed them power but still physically strong
(strength-wise it goes deku, dabi, toga, but when it comes to close combat technique it goes deku, toga, dabi) 

Shinsou Hitoshi
Age: 16
height: 177cm, 5'8
~Brain washing- He can put someone in a state where they are forced to obey him when they respond to him. Needs to be intentionally activated and will not take effect if He doesn't want it to. He is able to put more than one person in his control but has to do it one by one. Strong enough physical contact can break the person from his hold.
He cant force someone to think. For example, is if he told someone to copy down the name shown they would be able to do it, but if he said told them to right bakugo's name from memory they won't be able to do it.
Using a megaphone or anything that makes his voice artificial will not allow his Quirk to activate, as the said devices would transform his voice into an electronic signal.
Additionla Info:
- he does have parents
- his family owns a small restaurant and he works there part-time over breaks now with the dorm system installed. (used work there after school)
- He was bullied as a kid and until UA for his quirk
- He doesn't know about Deku's second and third quirk or his real name (they will tell him eventually)
- Lowkey ships deku and dabi with how they act with each other
- teases dabi when deku isn't around, toga joins in sometimes
- forgot how not feeling sore feels like after starting to get trained by deku, body covered with bruises. Later in the story will train with Aizawa in using the capture scarf.
- Can hold his own in fights longer than at the beginning of the year
- People in his class don't know he is friends with the villain kids, they know he is with the bakusquad
- 1-A is used to seeing him around the dorms since he is friends with the bakusquad as well
- is confused on why kaminari acts stupid when he clearly smart but doesn't bring it up
- insomnia is his way of life because of his quirk. Not rare for mental quirks to cause sleeping problems (deku also has this problem)
- He loves cats

A/N- I'm finally going to start writing the sports festival!!! I have no idea how many chapters it's going to be but I can say it will be more than two chapters. 

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