Ch. 16- Deku's nightmare

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A/N- I'm backkkk baby! And with a long chapter!

Deku pov
I woke up to the painfully familiar black void. I groan as I stand up turning to see nothing but black. Remembering the events that lead to the drawback of my quirk made me upset and pissed.  "Are you fucking kidding me!" "Midnight couldn't have waited for me to get out of the way or at least warned me!" "The whole fucking stadium could have been sent into chaos if it weren't for dabi, hopefully getting the massage of taking me way from everyone' 'Goddamit!! Dabi is going to get affected by my quirk" "I hope what happens to him isn't extremely painful to relive" "God I hate my life sometimes"

Letting out more stream to curses out, I can see the void changing. I braced myself with the same nightmare I've seen every time this happens. With the background changing, I'm back in one of the older bases of the league. I'm back in my body from about two years ago standing in my old room wearing my mission gear. I can feel my body move even though I'm trying with all my strength to stop myself. No matter how many times I get sent into this state I can never be in control. I'm forced to relive the worst event in my life and there is nothing I can do to stop it. 

I walk into the lounge to pick up the file with the details on the mission from Kurogiri. Turning the corner I saw Shigaraki on the couch playing on his switch while mamagiri was at the table looking at reports. I grabbed the file at the end of the table as giri looked up at me. 

Kurogiri: "okay so your mission today is for you to take out this gang that is trying to start a war with the neighboring yakuza."

Deku: "This gang must not be smart if they think they can take them on"

Giri: "They aren't the brightest gang but they are very dangerous. Many of the members have murder chargers, robbery, drug dealing, human trafficking, and any inhuman activity you can think of, they've done it"

Deku: "So I'm basically taking out trash human beings. Is this mission from sensei or the yakuza?"

kurogiri: "Both. The leader of the yakuza has been monitoring the gang's activities for some time now, so went they found out they were planning an attack, they called Master for some support. You are to meet with the yakuza boss and his group. The rest of the information is in the file."

Deku: "Gotcha. Am I allowed to go all out?"

Kurogiri: "Master says you are free to do what you please. Also, please reframe from making any snarking comments and you better be professional you are meeting a yakuza boss"

Deku: "Fine~. I'll contact you or shig when I get to the base and when my mission is over"

With that, I headed out the door. The sun was starting to set, so I decided to go from the rooftops to the meeting place. After an hour I made it to a warehouse on the other side of town. Before walking in I had my hand on my holster where my gun was. Making sure that my mask was covering my face I walked in. Entering I noticed three people waiting inside. One recognized as the boss and the other two must be his bodyguards. I bowed to show my respect knowing to not get on their bad sides, in fear of getting scolded by mamgiri if they found out I was disrespectful. 

Boss: "No need for that young man. I'm guessing you are the one the league sent"

Deku: "I am. You can call me Deku. If there is something more specific you need me to do let me know."

Boss: "Do not worry you won't need to do any extra work besides wipe out the whole gang. But I would like that you work alongside one of my trusted members."

Deku: "that will not be a problem sure. We will leave at once, they will contact you the second we are finished."

Boss: "Very well. Kai, you will assist Deku tonight"

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