Dabi's birthday

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A/N- I searched Dabi's birthday and it said it was today 1/18, Then I searched up when Touya's was in September, so I'm just going to make it today and give you a small one-shot (not going to canon to the story)

Dabi pov
I woke up today and looked that the calendar. Today was January 18th a day I don't like, it's my birthday. I never told the league when it was so they wouldn't make a big deal of it. Because of my life with my family, I never cared for it. It just another day for me. 

Looking at the time it was almost time to walk to class. I put on my clothes, grabbed my bag, and headed out to get a quick breakfast. The other two just finished their breakfast on went to go get their bags. I walked to the cabinets grabbed a muffin and walked to the elevator waiting for the idiots. 

Today's class went by like normal, take notes, do the worksheets, and sleep during English. Hero class was pretty boring. We did regular endurance training. Finally, the school day ended and I'm walking back to my room. I sit in there at my desk doing my homework when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and I saw deku holding a cupcake in his hand. 

Dabi: "What is this for?"

Deku: "It's for your birthday idiot" 
he looked sightly away with a blush creeping upon his face

Dabi: "what makes you think it's my birthday?"

Deku: "well today I saw that todoroki was in a grumpier mood than usual so asked him what was up and he said today was the birthday of his late brother Touya"

Dabi: "so you brought me a cupcake?"

Deku: "I'm guessing you didn't want to make a big deal since you didn't tell any of us, so I thought this would do"

Dabi: "Well um thanks I guess"

Deku: "I don't like my birthday either back then, It was always just me and mum. But I started liking celebrating with you guys my new family" "I'm hoping one day you will enjoy celebrating with us" "Make a Wish Dabi before the wax melts"

I was not used to someone caring about my birthday before. I was so lucky to have deku in my life. After giving it some thought I wished that one day I could spend the rest of my life with deku and the league to stay my family. 

Deku: "Sooo~ what did you wish for? Oh I know was it to beat the crap out of endeavor"

Dabi: "well if I told you it won't come true" "and thank you deku this made me feel better about today" "maybe ill tell toga what day it is and we just watch movies all night"

Deku: "that sounds like fun!" "You know what I'm making takoyaki tonight!! just for you birthday boy~"

After he said that and went into the kitchen, I set the cupcake down and walked to toga's room. I walked in and saw her lying there playing on her phone. I sat down at told her what day it was and to keep it a secret. I also told her we are going to watch movies until we pass out and for diner having takoyaki. She happily said happy birthday to me and gathered all the blankets and pillows in her room to put on the floor. 

We all ate our food while watching guardians of the galaxy. We basically did a marvel marathon the whole night. We made fun of the characters when they did mess up. Halfway through the first avenger movie toga said she could definitely win in a fight against any of them. Then deku said she wouldn't last a second. That lead to a pillow fight, then me getting hit in the crossfire and me joining in. We were running around trying to avoid getting hit. We finally sat back down the floor tired. Toga pulled out her phone and squeezed us together to get a picture. It was one of few times I had a genuine smile on my face since we got here. 

This has been one of the happiest days of my life. I wish it would never end. Toga was already falling asleep so I picked her up took her to her room and tucked her in. I guess I can't shake off the older brother habits. I walked back out to see deku asleep against the couch. I picked him up bridal style and put him in his bed. Before I could leave I felt something grab the back of my shirt. I turned around and saw deku sitting up in his bed.

Deku: "happy birthday Touya"

He leaned in and gave me a short kiss on the lips. When he pulled away he was a blushing mess and so was i. Before he could say anything else I kissed him but made this one longer and deeper than the first. 

Dabi: "can I sleep here tonight?"

he didn't say anything but nodded. We laid in bed cuddling until we both fell asleep. Yeah, I could get used to this feeling. The feeling of holding the one you care for the most, waking up together, and spending time together. I think my wish already came true today.

[936 words]

A/N- It's late in the date but it's 9:33 pm where I'm from so it's still 1/18. Since it was rushed I apologize for the grammar mistakes.  Happy birthday to our favorite burnt chicken nugget. 

Even though in the anime/manga he is doesn't two fucks about anything and does whatever he wants. 

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