Q&A answers- 4.1K reads!?

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Thank you to everyone that reads is reading this story. It makes me happy knowing that people are enjoying something that I'm writing. Now let the Q and A begin~ I'm giving you some new info so make sure to read~

For author-san
Q: Do you have a youtube channel?
Me: No I do not have a youtube channel but I do have Instagram and tiktok where I post some of my drawings on both platforms. I'm also publishing this story on Ao3 (sun_the_weeb)

Q: How you write so well?
Me: I honestly didn't think people would like this story or think my writing was good. I haven't been writing all that long. This honestly my first time writing on my own story so I'm glad to hear people think I write well. To improve I would say just keep on writing until you are comfortable with your own style.

Q: Where do go for inspiration when you have writer's block?
Me: For this story, I wouldn't say I have writer's block. I already know what I want to happen in the story and how it's going to end. More of a block on how I want the scene to go. For example, for the sports festival I already wrote out who wins what but it took a while to figure how the events would go. When I have writer's block I like to read to see ways others do it to help me.

For you readers: I have at least referenced three shows in this story (four if you count my other story) can you guess the names of the shows I've referenced.
- The first person to get the 4 shows correct you get to dm any concept for a one-shot that will be canon to this story
- the first get the 3 in this story you can pick what Baku and Kiri would do for their date
~guesses here~

For toga
Q: Do you like anyone?
Toga: YES I like my girlfriend mina very much! She gives the best cuddles!

Q: Are you happy that your parents are finally getting what they deserved for what they did to you?
Toga: It feels like I've been freed from the chains they put on me since I was little.
Deku: if it were up to us they would have been dealt with a long time ago
dabi: That's for sure she made us promise to not kill them
Shiggy: But we never promised to never put a wild hornet nest into their bedroom in the middle of the night. *dabi, deku, shiggy laughing from the memory *

Q: Who is your favorite out of the boys?
Deku: Obviously it's me do you know how many times she stabbed me cuz I would look pretty covered in blood.
Dabi: Wrong, It's me she loves my hoodies
Shig: You are both wrong It's me cuz we go on midnight adventures to the convenience store together to get junk food.
Shin: All three of you are wrong, it's me we stay up late sending Cat/funny videos to each other
*they all start arguing and fighting*
Toga: *walks passes them and hugs kurogiri* My favorite is Mamagiri! They make the best milkshakes and food!
Those 4: WHAT!? *they start pouting*
*kurogiri having a soft face while hugging toga*

For Dabi
Q: Are you planning on confessing to deku?
Dabi: Confessing to someone you need to like them first *blushes*
Toga: Hehe~ he was planning to do it after our last mission but we got caught!
Dabi: Toga I swear I'm going to burn you alive one of these days!

Q: If you like deku why don't you confess
Dabi: Why does everyone think I like Deku!?
author: You blush while staring at him... and at his abs
toga: You guys are always together
Shinso: You fall asleep cuddling each other
Shig: You are VERY overprotective of each other
Dabi: ... you have no proof
*Everyone shows pictures and videos*
Dabi: THAT MEANS NOTHING ... *is very red* back to the question even if I like him which I don't! I won't do it because I don't deserve to be with him okay... let's move on please.

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