Ch. 2- reminiscing

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A/N~ I forgot to mention that I'm making deku taller than he is in the anime. He is just slightly shorter than bakugo. And his hair is black cuz I think it's cool. 


Deku pov 

Walking outside I head to the back of the building to see Dabi having toga in a headlock. My guess was that she either said something dumb or tried to steal his food. Watching my best friends miss around makes this situation a little bit more bearable. Walking up to them I said, "sup bitches, wheres my food and dabi try not to kill her" With that I sat down under the tree eating my lunch that was now a bit cold. As I was eating I look at the other two and I can tell they wanted to ask me something. Sighing I put my food down saying, "okay I know you are dying to ask me something so just spit it out." 

The first one to talk was toga when she said, "you seemed to know that angry blond, Who was that?" Then dabi said, "You never talked about your previous life so we are curious how you knew him." 

I knew I couldn't keep this from them since bakugo is going to be around now. "I guess I should just give the short version of my past. Just know this I didn't plan on telling anyone because I never planned to go back to my old life, but the situation has changed." They both are now sitting in front of me like little kids about to be told a fairy tale. 

Taking a deep breath I started telling them my past, "For starts the blond I have known since I could remember. We were best friends until we turned four and I was outed quirkless. I started getting bullied and Bakugo was one of them. So at a young age, I learned that this society is Shit. In middle school, I decided I had enough so I ran away. When I was walking I bumped into Shigaraki and kurogiri. I tried to steal shigs wallet but they stopped me. I told them why I left and offered me to go with them. Trained really hard in hand to hand, any type of weapons, enhancing my senses, harnessing my killing intent, and stealth, so after a year and a half, sensei gave me my quirks. Then a few months later you guys joined."

After telling them that they were a little surprised to find out I was originally quirkless. I mean it wasn't something that I was trying to hide, plus it never came up in a conversation. Every time I was asked by new members why I was here I just said hero society sucks.  And that was usually enough of an answer for them. Before I could say anything Toga yelled, "Imma kill anyone that dared hurt my deku!!" I was about to say I wasn't hers when dabi said, "another reason to hate society. " they both looked at each other then at me. In unison, they said, "if you ever plan on killing Bakuhoe we will help hide the body." I couldn't help but laugh at that. After they said that I started to think that I didn't really hate bakugo that much. Sure he was a complete dick, but if he weren't I wouldn't be where I am now. 

After that, I went back to eating and started talking about random situations that happened during missions like unplanned murders or old memories with the league. The bell rang and we all groaned because we had to go back to class. It was the last class until training so I asked if they wanted to ditch. Toga said she wanted to go hang out with that gravity girl but the smile on her smile sent a shiver down my spine. I looked over at dabi and he said he was in so we threw away the trash and started walking into the building.

As we got closer to the 1a classroom we said later to toga and turn the corner to the roof. The view from the roof was so peaceful I could stay up here for the rest of the day. I took a seat on the ledge of the building with dabi joining me a second later. I don't know why but I always feel like I can put my guard down when I'm with him. 

Dabi pov

Deku just left with the angry pomeranian, so toga and I left to find a spot to eat outside. We decided to eat behind the building under a tree. As we were eating I see toga trying to take some of my food away so I slap her hand away. She made a pouting face and that just made me smirk. She tried again be this time jump at me, so we basically started to wrestle on the ground. Right, when I put her in a headlock deku came back. 

Toga and I couldn't help but look at wanting to ask him what that was all about and he could tell too so he puts his food down and asked if we had something to say to just say it. We asked out questions and he told us a summarised version of his past. 

I was a little surprised to find out that The Deku was once quirkless. But all I could really do was respect him even more. He went through vigorous training to get where he is today. No wonder he can still kick everyone's ass without using his quirks. 

We went back to eating and started talking about normal things like murder and stupid things we did back at the league. Totally normal highschool topics regular teenagers not villains would talk about. 

The bell rang but deku suggested we skip class and go back for hero training. toga didn't want to come, so it was just going to be me and deku. We threw everything away and started walking toga to class and we got close we parted ways to head to the roof of the school building. When we got to the roof deku went to sit at the ledge of the building so I joined him. I don't know what it is about Deku's presence but it always makes me feel calm. It was silent for a few seconds until deku asked me something

deku: "hey, Do you know how my quirk simple info works right?"

dabi: "yeah it gives you basic info of a person's quirk when you look at them"

deku: "you forgot that I can also see the person's real name"

I froze after he said that. That means he knows my real name. He knows about my family. Why didn't he tell me he knew. I guess I was quiet for too long because he spoke again. 

deku: "I know you are probably wondering why I didn't tell you"

dabi: "no fucking duh, why wouldn't you tell me"

deku: "the answer is simple really, It wasn't any of my business, Like how you guys didn't make me tell you my past, I didn't make you tell me yours."

Deku: "the reason I'm telling you now is that I want to know how are you holding up being in the same class as your brother shoto"

Dabi: "honestly it makes me mad, I left home when he was little, maybe no more than 6, seeing him all grown up and seeing that cold look in his eye, shows that endeavor got what he wanted."

Dabi: "he's endeavors' 'masterpiece' and I'm the failure so seeing him every day just makes me want to knock some sense into him"

Deku: "understandable. Especially wanting to punch him. So what are you going to do Touya, are you going to reveal your identity"

Dabi: "fuck no, I don't need that flame trash bag to know I'm alive, the last thing I need is to see him again."

deku: "if it weren't for these quirk suppressant bracelets we would have already escaped or at least killed some people by now" 

dabi: "I mean we can beat up some heroes in training in class so that's fun"

deku: "Ohh~ I hope we do combat training today, I wanna see them all beat up"

Dabi: "of course you do you psycho"

Deku: "come on~ you are telling me it wouldn't be a fun site to see and you are not sane either so shut up"

Dabi: "that is true"

With that, the bell rang signaling that the class period was over and we reluctantly headed back to class. When we walked into class without a care, seeing a pissed Aizawa and the engine boy with a stick up his ass yell at us. We ignored him and went to seats waiting for our first hero lesson since we got to leave early yesterday. We were not expecting all might to walk in the classroom. I heard/saw deku bang his head against his desk, which caused me and toga to laugh to ourselves. Oh, this was going to be an entertaining class period. 

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