Ch. 3- Hero class begins

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A/N~ Aizawa refers to deku dabi and toga as the problem children, so deku is problem child 1, dabi is 2 and toga is 3.


Aizawa pov 

The school year just started and within the first week at the USJ 1-a gets attacked by villains then in a week after that three teenage villains join the class for a chance in rehabilitation. It's an understatement saying that this year is going to be interesting. 

let's hope today goes well cuz I need a nap. it was lunchtime and can hear the murmurs of the other students outside of the teacher's lounge. News spreads fast nowadays. The whole school knows about the villains being here. I was about to walk out when I hear problem child number 1 (deku) say something that shut everyone up in a second. I didn't have a problem with what they say as long as they don't attack anyone I'm okay with it. 

Five minutes after lunch started I hear footsteps outside the door and I went to check who would be walking around the school. I see deku walking to the exit that heads to the back of the school. I was going to say something but the aura coming off him told me not to bug him. I think I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'stupid angry pomeranian acting as he cared about me while I was gone' 'i thought he would be one of the people happy I went missing' 'whatever the past is the past and the past me is dead' With that, he went outside to what I'm guessing is joining the other two for lunch. 

After the lunch bell rang and their English period started I got a message from Mic saying that deku and dabi weren't in class. I gave a heavy sigh because it was only their second day and they are already skipping class. I knew they were still on campus because their bracelets haven't gone off so that was good. I quickly go check the security cameras and see that they dropped their friend off at class and went to the roof of the building. 

As I looked at them I could tell they were talking about something serious I was debating on whether I should turn on the audio of the camera. I decided not to because it was their business and I wanted them to trust us to not invade their privacy. With one last look, I can see them enjoying their time together so I turned around and went back to grading papers. 

It was time for hero training so I made my way to class during the few-minute break and when I entered the classroom problem child 1 and 2 still weren't here so I made my way to the front of the class. The bell rang signaling class has begun and I was about to start talking but then the door opened and the two villains walked without a care in the world. After a few seconds of Iida yelling at them about how it wrong to skip class and everyone else started talking to each other. I activated my quirk and that quickly shut them up with nervous faces, but the problem children were unhazed and had amused faces on seeing the other's reactions. I sighed and told them to head to ground gamma (city part of it) after being told the lesson and left the classroom. 

Deku pov

At the beginning of the period I was really excited to get some action and beat everyone up but that all went out the window when all might entered the room. so logically I bang my head against my desk hoping It was hard enough to send me to recovery girl but no life wasn't on my side and it didn't work. I raised my head when I heard stifled laughs behind me. Looked back to see dabi and toga trying hard not to burst out laughing. When I turned back I can see the whole class was looking at me with sweat drops on their faces. Ignoring them turn back to all might so he could continue the instructions. 

All might said we were going to do stealth training today. I perked up at that because no one can outdo me in that. A smirk found its way onto my face and I looked back and saw the other do the same. If these hero wannabes think they can outdo three villains with 10x the experience in the field then they do then they are in for a rude awakening. 

We were told to go to the locker room to change into our gym clothes since we didn't have a hero suit. we got into the lockerroom dabi and I noticed two lockers with our names on them and opened them to see a set of clothes for each of us. we at them then at each other and knew exactly what each other were thinking 'there is no way I'm wearing this'. 

I looked back and saw that bakuguo was still her so asked him "hey kacchan do you have any spare tanktops?"  He threw me one of his black ones and left the room. I turned back to see dabi growling at me and that just made me grin

deku: "aww~ jealous that I don't have to wear that uniform?"

dabi: "lucky bastard"

I pull out the gym pants because I don't have a replacement yet. I take off my shirt and I can feel everyone's stare except Dabi's because he's seen me without my shirt (not like that ya nasties). sighing I turn around and asked what they were staring at me for. Then the spiky redhead guy asked where/how got all my scars and I think I heard kaminari saying something like you're ripped dude how can we not stare. then I said, "I got these from training and missions, so if that is all I would like to get changed." I turn around and put the tank top on and saw dabi leaning against the lockers wearing the PE uniform and it made me laugh cuz he looked funny in it. He just shot me a glare and we left the room. 

we got to ground gamma and saw toga walk up to us. I noticed she was also wearing the uniform and was clearly not happy about it since there was a pout on her face. 

toga: "I can't believe we have to wear these... HEY, why isn't deku wearing the whole thing not fair!"

Dabi: "I know right he asked the angry pomeranian for a shirt and he actually got it. This uniform is awful."

deku: "come one quite whining, I just don't have the shirt I'm still wearing the pants, and let me say they aren't comfortable. Seriously what is this material? "

As we kept talking about how bad these uniforms were the rest of the class came out and we in their hero suits. In the middle of our conversation ripoff sonic comes up to me lecturing that I should be wearing the proper clothes the school has provided. I was about to say something but I looked behind him to see most of the girls staring at me. Come on why are these people so surprised I have scars and have muscle. Stupid heroes acting like they haven't seen these before. Groaning I say so everyone can hear, "listen up wannabes, yes I have scars so quit staring and move along, or do I have to knock it in your heads" with that they all started to walk up to all might. I went back to dabi and toga so we could join everyone else 

Since all might saw that we were all here he began to explain the exercise to us. The exercise was that we are going to be split into two teams. Team A will start that the entrance of the city and their goal is to get to the other side of the city without getting caught by someone on the other team. Their goal is to go unseen and unheard while getting across the city. Team B will spread out the city landscape trying to catch the other team. Ways to catch them is to actually catch them or leave some type of mark, or tag them ex: if Baku hit you with an explosion, sero wrapped tape on you, todoroki encased you in his ice, getting punched/touched, etc. Team B's goal was to heighten their sense to notice faint details to find concealed enemies. The exercise is over when there no more people left to tag meaning you either passed or got out. Then it is the other team's turn to go. (I hope this makes sense if you need a better explanation pls tell me)

I was excited about this cuz this will show them how much of a gap there is between them and us. Since we couldn't use our quirks I walked up to momo if she could make me and dabi a simple paintball gun with some extra ammo, a plastic knife that would leave a slash mark upon impact for toga. She made them for me and I quickly thanked her and went back to my idiots. I threw them their items and they looked at me with boredom because they weren't real weapons. 

All might called us to pick lots to see which teams we will be on. 

Team A: tsu, Aoyama, tokoyami, bakugou, jirou, Kirishima, oijro, Sato, ochako. todoroki

Team B: sero, mina, Iida, kaminari, momo, shoji, deku, dabi, toga

with the teams decided (i just put them in a randomizer) team B went into the city while A was waiting at the entrance waiting for the signal to begin. A second later the buzzer went off and the exercise began

[1722 words]


A/N~ I know I said at the beginning of the story I was getting rid of sato but while making the teams I noticed I missed count so he has returned (pretend he never left). The next chapter will be the training WOOHOO. Thx for reading this chapter. see you next time on dragon ball z 

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