life update & reader's choice

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Hello, my beloved readers... that I have neglected since June (sorry😅). I wanted to give you an update on the status of this book. I refuse to give this story up, so you don't have to worry about it just ending. As some of you know if you read the a/n on the last chapter then you know that I started my first job in July at my local Mcdonalds. That job took so much of my time. After a month of being new there, I was given my full-time schedule instead of just part-time. I was working 8 hours 5 days a week. that was the main reason for not updating that much, I was usually too tired after work that I had no motivation to write. BUT I recently quit that job after 6 months of working there back on January 3rd (a great way to start the year) for reasons but the main reason was that job left me mentally tired on the daily and just unhappy.

But do not worry I was able to get a new job (part-time) that I like and feel happy to clock in. I also started college recently back on January 18th. I'm only taking three classes since I don't want to overwhelm myself. but it is also my first semester since I didn't register back in the fall. SO that being said I will have more time to write again not much but more than before.

I want to jump right back into this story. SO I have something to ask. what do you guys want to read next? I know that last chapter I said the next thing I was going to write was Dabi's nightmare but I want to know what you guys would prefer to read next.

Do you want the next update to be...
Dabi nightmare/backstory
pick up right when Deku woke up from his nightmare

please tell me what you want to read next it will give me more motivation to put the next chapter out knowing you guys are still interested in this story

thank you to those that still have hope in this story I'm hoping I don't disappoint you in the future. Also you guys like a week or so ago i posted an original one shot story so if you want to give it a read please do. See you next update( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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