Ch. 11- Obstacles & Cavalry

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A/N- Bolded means commentary from Mic and Aizawa

Deku pov
The day that everyone was had been preparing for has finally arrived. We were now waiting to be called out onto the field. I was just talking to dabi, while toga was drinking her cup of blood when todoroki walked up to us. 

Todoroki: "I still don't know why you guys are here. This is meant to a competition to show we can be heroes" 

Deku: "Ohh is mister recommendations scared he is going to get shown up" "well we have our own reasons to actually try in this little competition of yours"

Dabi: "you shouldn't have to worry about us low lives, mister masterpiece"

After he said that todoroki went for him and dabi also getting ready to attack. I also shot out of my seat about to grab dabi but the speaker told us we had to leave. They stopped and stared at each other for a few seconds before todoroki left the room. Dabi hadn't moved for a few more seconds, the scowl on his face never leaving. I walked past him, patted his shoulder, and joined toga outside the door. He huffed and finally walked out the door. We finally made it to the field joining the rest of the class in time to see the other classes come out. 

I noticed shin with his class and waved at him. when he saw me all he did was smirk and turned to midnight. I tuned her out for the most part. What caught my attention was when she called bakugou up for a speech. Oh, this is going to be hilarious. As he walked up to the mic all he said was that he was going to win. Everyone started booing him and the class was yelling at him now people are going to go after them. I started laughing because I knew he was completely serious and everyone's reactions were just adding to my amusement. 

When he got off the stage I saw his friend hit him upside the head. Midnight pointed to a roulette wheel full of activities. It stopped on the obstacle race and when she said that a tunnel opened up on the side of the stadium. I had a bored look on my face and so did the others. We were hoping for some action at the get-go but instead, they were just making us run. 

Deku: "man this is boring. Hey! wanna play a game instead!"

Toga: "Yes~ Let's play tag!"

Dabi: "the loser has to do laundry this week"

Deku: "you guys are so on" "so who is going to be it first?"

As we were talking Mic yelled the start of the race and everyone took off. We were still standing there and talking about how was going to be it first. We settled on a game of rock paper scissors. Mic: "Why are they still standing there for? Don't they know it started?" Aizawa: "Looks like they are playing rock paper scissors." We stood there for another minute each time coming out as a tie. After another go, it was finally decided that I was going to be it first. Mic: "looks like one of them lost. Now the others took off while deku is standing there. Wait there he goes" I started counting giving them a five-second head start. 

No on pov 3rd person
Dabi and toga took off the second deku started counting. They easily weaved through the students still stuck in todoroki's ice from the beginning. Deku caught up to them when they were trying to get over the robots. Toga was already on the other side having mobility on her side. Deku tagged dabi on the back as he jumped over the broken robots. Dabi grumbled under his breath and it quickly turned into a smirk finally getting over the junk and taking off after the other two. Mic: "I think I saw deku smack dabi before going over the robots." Aizawa: "of course those problem children would be messing around."

Going to watch at the front runners, bakugou and todoroki are fighting for first place. People have started to finish crossing the Canyon, with the help of their quirks like tsu and support equipment of their own. Those three easily caught up to the first twenty people on the course by the time they got to the canyon. Without hesitating toga ran on the rope like she was running on a track. Deku and dabi following close behind her. Mic: "HERE WE ARE, FOLKS, UA's minefield, don't worry they won't seriously harm the students but aren't going to tickle either, they will give you quite a scare." Bakugou and todoroki started going after each other while avoiding the mines but noticed others catching up so they stopped going after each other and just started booking it to the finish line. Once getting near the finish point bakugou used his explosion to give him a slight boost to cross the finish line with todoroki coming in second. 

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