Ch. 10- A crazy day

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Deku pov
I was about to open the door to the support course when I heard a weird sound coming from inside. I quickly run to the side and the door blew up! That blast would have sent me flying. A second later a girl with pink hair wearing googles looked super unfazed by this. I guessing this has happened more than once. The pro hero Power load came out to scold the girl but she didn't seem to mind and went back to her work. He sighed and that's when he finally noticed me. He recognized me as one of the villain kids and asked if I had the paperwork. I gave him the forms and blueprints. He stared at me then questioning why I had blueprints. I told him I'm usually the one to design the weapons and sometimes suits for the league. 

I handed him blueprints of a retractable staff that could also be split into two parts for myself. For toga a simple taser in the shape of a knife for her comfort. Dabi was also going to use a staff but his is designed to heat up along with heat resistant gloves to not burn himself. I also handed him shin's because he was busy training with dabi and toga today. His are metal nunchucks where the chain can extend. As power load was looking over the designs he looked pretty impressed. And these were simple weapons imagine our gear. I'm definitely helping them make those. He gave me a nod so was about to leave when I was stopped by the pink-haired girl. 

Hatsume: "HEY do you wanna try out one of my babies! You came for gear right I have the perfect one for you"

Deku: "umm no thanks I just handed power load the forms and blueprints to the gear we are going to use"

Hatsume: "Ahh come on no fun... Wait you designed your weapons? Do you want to look at some of these!"

Deku: "I guess I have the time"

She proceeded to show me prints on hover boots and arms that help with invading attacks and movement. I looked over them and asked if I was allowed to write some modifications and tips on the paper. She said I could. I quickly added a feature to the hover boots so the extra heat would leave so they don't overheat and blow up, it also adds more lift since it at the bottom of the feet. I kept on tweaking the designs for about an hour along with Hatsume's input we put the final designs on it. It was around 5:50 when we finished and it was nice finally having someone else's input with these kinds of things. 

Deku: "it feels nice to finally have someone to bounce ideas with" "also it doesn't bother you at all to be working with a villain?"

Hatsume: "Why would it bother me? you didn't rigid those to blow up with might have happened if I kept it the way they were, so you are okay in my book. Also, it helps there is someone else like me crazy enough to try these things"

Deku: "let me guess everyone here is by the book? Are afraid of some little explosions😂"

Hatsume: "Exactly! You blow up a product every so often and you are labeled for life."

Deku: "so you are saying that you are a bit crazy in the head?"

Hatsume: "Gotta be if you want to have creative ideas!"

Deku: "well it's settled then. I want you to help me make our new gear"

Hatsume: "REALLY! I can't believe I get to work on them. Oh I have some perfect babies that could go great with you guys"

Deku: "we can be as crazy was we want to be"

I told her that I was going to work on them after the sports festival. She gave her schedule and we worked out the times we were both free. After a week of the sports festival, the hero course is going on internships for a week. I wanted them to be ready by then so I changed my plan so we work halfway through our break this week. I'm going to train shin from the morning to noon, so after I can work on these for the rest of the day.  We swapped contact info and I left. On my way back I noticed Aizawa sensei so I ran up to him.

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