chapter 23

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i helped dad up on the couch and checked his arm, i pressed various area's of his arm but he didnt seem to flinch or anything.

"dad, you alright."

"yeah, suprisingly. i feel nothing." he replied.

"probably just a trick, to make you feel like you were experiencing pain."

"whatever it was, i dont want it happening again." he says. kevin was laying on the ground, i ran into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water. one for dad and one for kevin. i kneeled down beside him and placed his head on my lap.

"kevin..kevin get up, its over... kevin." i felt his head, it was boiling hot. i place his head on a pillow and run to get an ice pack and a towel, i cover the ice pack with the towel and start dabbing his forehead.

i didnt realise how long i was doing this for, me and dad were having a long conversation during it, its been hours and i could tell because it was now 11pm and kevin still didnt wake up. we were all pretty shaken up but not as much now, i havent heard from kirstie in a while.

"what are we going to do about this though." i asked dad.

"i dont know, but i am not going to sit here and wait for all the troubles come to us. we barely survied this. if we dont have a plan for next time, then we might die." he replies. i nod in agreement.

"ya know, its times like this that she need to speak up and give us some advice" i say, directing it to kirstie.

"she is very secretive. she's been like tha ever since i knew her, and its the one thing that hasnt changed about her."

excuse me, i can hear everything, and for your information, im thinking.

you are taking a long time to think, do you have any ideas whatsoever.

yes... i mean no... not that you need to know.

i will find out you know.

no you wont, i will make sure of it.

you are so annoying.

good to know

"i tried, its useless trying to get anything out of her." i then felt kevins head move, he was mumbling things as he woke up.

"kevin! are you alright" he nodded his head slightly. i sighed in relief.

"j-just a rea-really bad headache." he says.

"i'll get you some medicine." i placed his head on a pillow and got up to get some pills and then help him up so he can take them. i help him take them before setting his head down on the pillow again. im honestly glad he is okay. thank god kirstie told me to fake faint at that time. if i hadnt of listened god knows what couldve been happening by now. but i think we all need to sleep. its been a long night.

"dad. you should head on up to bed."

"yeah, you too. make sure you dont stay up too late. night"

"night dad." when he was gone, i waited for a bit before waking kevin up. "kevin. come on, get up." it took some time but he finally got up with support and i took him upstairs to his room. we entered his room and i got his bed ready. i took of the hat he was wearing and put it on the desk beside his bed. i put his arm around my shoulder making it easier to help him in his bed. i lay him down carefully and begin to pull away. but he doesnt let me go. he holds on to me, he wraps his other arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

"kevin." i whisper, trying to wake him up. "kevin, kev..."

"whats if i dont want you to leave" he whispers back.

"then i'll stay." i reply. i cuddle up closer to him and wrap my arms around him. "hey kev, are we still going tonight. I mean it doesn't seem like your up for it"

"no... don't worry, im sure after a little rest ill be fine. we have to go a soon as possible though. you get everything ready and I will heal by then." I nodded and got up to get ready. I went up to my room and got a pen and paper, I just wanted to write a little note to mitch before I leave. last thing I needed was him to think I just left without saying goodbye. especially after we just got on good terms. I finished of what I wrote and to avoid accidently disturbing him I just slid the note under his door.

I came down and to my surprise kevin was up and looked perfectly fine. he cracked a few bones while stretching before noticing I was in the room.

"how did yo-" I began

"don't ask. its not important" he simply replied so I didn't question him. "so, you ready" I nodded. there was something strange about the way he was acting but I didn't worry about it too much. not when I have something more important to worry about.

"so... can you fly?" I asked.

"we all can... so yeah. I can."

soon we were flying high over the clouds towards the portal that leads to the magic world. to be honest I felt scared, mainly because I couldn't hear kirstie in a while, which never a good thing and also because I didn't know what to expect. I felt a weird sensation whilst entering the portal and I stopped to look around. we were in a big room that seemed empty but I had a weird feeling that we would be expecting someone soon. a bit too soon.

"well hello there luna"

"who is that!" I looked over to kevin who was gone. I looked around frantically hoping to find him but he wasn't found. my heart started to pound in my chest. I didn't know what to do. i didn't want to face this alone.

don't worry luna...

its time.




im so so so so so so sorry for not updating in 7 months. i had no idea how to continue with this book but i promise this time i have my ideas all written down so i wont forget and i'll update as frequently as possible.

i actually thought no one was reading this book after me not updating in such a long time. but thanks to __kjm___ for the extra push. i was motivated to try. thank you.

who gets the whole "its time bit" at the end. :)

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