chapter 18

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luna POV

i woke up in a hospital room, kevin sitting beside me, asleep. i tried to get up but all these wires were making it difficult. i felt better able to move but my head was hurting a bit. i was starving and i have never like hospital food. so i shook kevin until he woke up.

"oh....your, awake."  he didnt sound so happy about that.

"what happened." i asked

"nothing, why did you wake me up"

"no, something is wrong." he avoided eye contact and bit his lip. "scott" i gasped "it has been way longer that 24 hours!" i got up and got off the bed pacing out of the room i entered the elevator, kevin rushing in after me.

"luna, scott didnt..."

"shut up." i said as calm as i possibly could. but inside i was dreading for the answer, i didnt want to believe it until i saw it,

"luna this isnt good for your health you need to rest."

"i said shut up, so shut your m..." i was interupted by the doors opening, i ran out of the elevator and towards scotts room. i pushed onto the door, but it wouldnt open.

"wha..." i turned around to kevin who was standing extremely close. "why is it closed"

"mitch closed himself inside." he answered stepping back a step.

"open it. you have powers right, open it." he stayed silent, i huffed at him purposely smacking my hair in his face when i turned around. i banded on the door, i heard some movement from behind the door.

"i will not open the door, leave me alone." mitch snapped

"mitch please, let me come in! i need to see scott!" i pleaded, i didnt hear anything after that. a while after i heard things moving and the door click open. i got up from where i was now seated and so did kevin. i pushed the door open revealing a shaking mitch and a pale scott. i stepped inside, kevin walked in, walking behind me.

mitch quickly barricaded the doors again. as i sat beside scott's motionless body. i felt his hand, they were cold, just like the rest of his body, his lips were a light shade of blue, a hint of pink still visable.

i shoved my chair back and stepped away from his body shaking my head. i was walking backwards until i bumped into mitch, i turned around and hugged him on impulse and bawled. i held onto his top so tight that his top began to streach. he didnt hug me back, but after a bit i felt his shaking hand wrap around my shoulders.

i began laughing, i felt a sudden wave of adrenaline in my body. mitch let go of me and pulled me away from him.

"this is a dream," i laughed, "i will wake up in 5 minutes, and everything will be okay."

"luna.." i heard kevins concerned voice,

"no no!" i stopped him "this dream seems so real"

"luna" his voice was louder and more stern,

"NO! i dont like this dream anymore. mitch slap me. i want to wake up." i said rushing to him and grabbing his wrists. he pulled his hand away from me.

" i am not going to slap you" mitch replied wearily yet annoyed

"SLAP ME. i want to wake up, i dont want to stay in this dream, no...this isnt a dream its a nightmare, scott is not de.." mitch finally slapped me, i waited for myself to wake up but instead tears began flowing down my cheek as i realized the bitter reality.

everything was silent, i didnt have enough energy to speak, i fell to the ground, kevin grabbing hold of my shoulders and kneeling beside me.

you have to stay strong.

stay strong for what, you?

no, for mitch.

why, i dont care about him. im leaving anyways, i promised him.

you said until you knew scott was safe, but he is dead, so technically you cant leave, you have to stay with mitch. and not let him break.

why do you care about him so much, you still havent told me?

because i love him, there was a time where he was straight and we dated. we were in high school together, until i decided to become the ultimator full time. and not lead a secret life. then stuff happened, and mitch had been given powers that dont work well together. and he  would end up causing a blast when two of his veins merged as one. to take form as a normal vein throughout his body.

so you are telling me you love mitch, then why are you ruining his life?

i am on a mission. and i need all of you to co-operate with me. if not then lets just say, there are more horrible things that could happen than this.

i realized i havent said anything for a while and there was this awkward yet somewhat peaceful silence in the air, i wouldve asked kirstie what would happen if we didnt but for as long as she has been in my head, i knew she wouldnt tell me.

my awareness to the things around was slowly coming back and i could feel kevins hands around me again and how close he was, doesnt this dude know anything about personal space. but i ignored it since i really wasnt stable enough to even sit, my head was hurting quite a bit.

i only knew him for a couple of weeks and he is already gone. if i had known he would die so soon, i wouldve done everything in my power to spend as much time with him as possible. now that he is gone, i am fully aware of how lucky i was to be apart of his life.

you know what im glad that he is gone, at least he doesnt have to suffer anymore. but mitch, his suffering has doubled. despite how much i really dont like him, i wouldve said hate but he saved me when i really needed help, i will have to stand by him and stay strong. because...

i have a feeling that things will get a whole lot worse.




sorry i havent updated in a bit, got busy with school and shit. so my schedule will be all messed up.

scott has died (sorry) but dont stop reading, because its not the end. the end however is near, not sure how i will end the book rn, but i have this really cool idea but i need to fit tha in with the story somehow.

okay i will update as soon as i can.



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