chapter 5

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scott POV

it was luna's body, luna's face, luna's smirk. but kirstie's voice. now im scared.

"what have you done to luna! ....MITCH!"

"i have frozen time. no one can here us. so stop, and i havent done anything to luna. she is still here. in her head, and so am i."

"what are you doing inside her head!" i asked

"she is my ultimatum. listen i dont have much time till things get out of hand"

"what! first what is an ultimatum and before what gets out of hand!?"

"an ultimatum is someone who the ultimator uses as a body to hide from other dangerous people who have powers. they need it to help succeed in a mission or whatever kind of life goal that the ultimator had before death."

"oh HELL no! you are not usig luna as your personal sheild!" i defended

"it was in her destiny scott, you nor i can change that." she replied

"what are you planning to do."

"i cant tell you that. but what i can tell you is that all four of us' lives are in danger. you must protect luna from getting hurt in anyway possible."

"you mean protect you. because you are already using her, so if she gets hurt then your done for am i right!"

"JUST LISTEN TO ME SCOTT! i will try my best to keep her from harms way, do you think i enjoy doing this to her, it wasnt my choice, but then you need to help keep her from harms way too. all of you do...including mitch. i will guide luna whenever she needs it. but i need both you and mitch's co-operation" she gasped "they have found me. i have to go. please just pay heed to what i said. and dont tell anyone where i am."

"i dont have a choice do i." the purple glow in luna's eyes faded away and she fainted, before her head could hit the ground i grabbed hold of her, everything else in the seemed to go back to normal, the time was ticking again. i layed luna on the couch. there was a sudden cold breeze in the room.

"hello scott, last time i saw you, you were almost dead, how about we make that reality shall we...but before that..."

"huh what" before i could react or see who it was everything became dark.

luna POV

i wake up and its cold in the room, scott is nowhere to be seen, but he was right here. i get up feeling weak and walk into the kitchen but he wasnt in there, i check the dining room he wasnt there, i go upstairs and check to check his bedroom, mitch comes out with a worried look on his face.

"where is scott." he asks me

"i don know, im looking for him now." i reply,

"i knew something bad was happening, i could feel it." he held his hand on his head and was pacing about. "and what do you mean you are looking for him, you hate us."

"i heard you guys talking and i was outside the room when scott ran out, erm, we had a small conversation, he told me about how you met and well everything. then i wanted to see his scar, its funny because it looked like and 'L' shape..."

your telling him too much luna

"then when i felt it....aaarghh" i grasped my head, a loud chimming sound ringing in my head.

you cant tell him anything yet. the time for that will come

"what happened." i was snapped out of my thought by mitch's voice loud and filled with anger, i wave of fear rushed through my body... what just happened!

"i-i d-dont remember i think i slept or something, i just woke up and then he was gone."

"did he even tell you about the powers" i nodded my head.

"son of a bitch!" he cursed. i now prefer scott over mitch. why does he always act negatively over everything. even when i was being adopted by him, atleast scott was trying but he didnt have a single wave of emotion on his face. well ever since scott told me their story, i kinda agree, he is one angry guy.

"what are you looking at me like that! this happened because of you!"

"hey, dont blame me, for something i have no idea about!"

"didnt you just say you were... fuck it...just try to remember please!"

"no" i blurted, fear taking control of my thoughts, i didnt want to go throught that painful loud sound.

"what! why not! and why is it so cold in here!"

"i mean, he might have just went out, to get a breather, h-he'll come back, im sure...we should just wait."

"dont tell me what to do! im going to find him" he grabbed his coat and headed towards the door.

"im coming!" i said following

"dont bother!" he said holding his hand in my direction. "this is happening because of you, your presence is making me doubt what intentions you have!"

"what intentions! as far i remember you guys had adopted me! you guys brought me here!"

"i didnt bring you here! scott did! dont ever think that i wanted to have some sort of connection with you!" he spat and slammed the door shut.

well... ouch! whats his deal, who does he think he is and why is he blaming me... i literally just started to like scott and he goes missing what is this! why is mitch blaming me.

"and who ever you are, speaking to me, how comes mitch doesnt hear you! and where are you come out from where your hiding!" i really didnt want to know where that person was but i really couldnt give a fuck right now.

wow that was so filmy! this isnt a film dear oh and erm... just to let you know sweety, you cant see me because im in your head.

"what! well...can you get out!" i shouted

sorry, no...more like i cant...




i have literally nothing to say. so i hope you liked it. peace


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