chapter 11

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luna POV

i get up and go downstairs to have some breakfast, i made mitch and kevin some too, i went up quickly with mitch's breakfast and opened his door slightly. he was still sleeping, or thats what i thought since his back was towards me.

i quietly placed the food on the desk next to his bed and exited the room, going downstairs and grabbing kevins food and putting it on the table next to him. why do boys sleep for a long time. i went back in the kitchen and sat at the table alone. it was quiet and cold.

where is scott... did something happen between them two, oh god, this empty feeling is so uncomfortable, i feel as if i am not remembering soomething really important. something doesnt feel right, but i dont know what it is.

how did mitch get hurt, where is scott, why cant i remember something. i thought kevin said i finted, you dont lose your memory if you faint right? i must have hit something hard.

my head started hurting again. a vivid image of me talking with scott came to mind, we were smiling, we hugged, then something happened i wake up and he was gone. i was knocked out of my thoughts when kevin came into the kitchen.

my heart was racing, my hed was hurting even more now. did that really happen or was that just a bad thought. no... of course it wasnt real, i dont even get along with scott.

"whats up."

"nothing" i replied

"okay, err.. thanks for the breakfast. you make some really good eggs."

"thank you" he gave me one of his intense stairs, and nodded his head.

"so thought about anything lately." he said before i could ask him anything, i gave him a weird look. "i mean do you remember anything."

"no..yes...not exactly... i dont know." i replied, i wasnt sure whether to tell him or not.

"well then, if you ever want to tell me, you can." he said with a smile.

"uh..huh" what made me want to be friends with him? maybe thats another thing i am forgetting.

i finished my plate and placed it in the sink, when i turned around kevin was awkwardly close to me. he seemed lost in his thoughts, but most importantly what is he doing so close to me. "erm..kevin, is there something you need" i managed to say but he didnt reply, his eyes were fixated with mine.

"KEVIN!" i shouted. and he shook his head, looked around. before backing away.

"oh..i-im sorry." he walked out of the room, i followed behind him, he grabbed the blanket and started to fold  them he put it aside and placed the pillows back the way they were. he picked up the neatly folded blanket and walked towards me, extending his arms to me.

"im sure you know where to put this" he said in a calm voice as if nothing just happened. i slowly took the blanket, watching his facial expressions carefully. i dont even know what to say, so i just put the blanket back in the cupboard and headed upstairs.

 i come downstairs and i hear kevin speak to someone. maybe it was a bad idea bringing him here. i walk in the living to find scott standing there.

"scott?" i say. he turns around and hugs me so tight that i was beginning to lose my breathe, he lets go tears in his eyes. you see when i tell you he gets all up in your personal business, and now personal space. what next!?

"im so glad your okay!" he said wiping his tears

"what happened to me." i asked, cearly he was shocked by what i said, but kevin came and whispered something in his ears and more tears streamed down his cheeks.

"how much do you remember." he asked suddenly. i thought about it, i thought about even more, but all i could remember was everything up to me accidently hiting him with my door.

"i cant remember anything from when i hit you with the door. i try but i get headaches." i reply. he wipes his tears and thats when we hear something smash behind us. i whip my head back and i see mitch standing there tears streaming down his cheeks and a smashed plate on the floor.

i think i shouldve moved from where i was and let them have this moment, whatever the goddamn was happening, like whats up with the tears, but for some reason i kept still, and mitch shot me a glare and his expression fell, he wiped his tears and walked back up the stairs and slammed his door shut. i look back at scott, who gave me a weak smile before running upstairs.

okay. now that was strange. i have no idea why they are crying so much, why scott asked if i was okay, and what did kevin say to him?

i turned to kevin who was standing there arms crossed and a confused expression on his face. when he noticed me looking at him, he went and sat on the couch. i stood there for a moment, trying to grasp my ead around this whole situation befor taking a seat next to kevin.

"can i ask you a question if you dont mind."

"sure." he replied

"what did you say to scott." i asked, he looked at me for a bit before answering.

"d-dont worry" he replied, i tried to stay calm but how can i when no one is telling me anything, i know that i am forgetting something and those two are crying for what some reason and scott is actiong like a weirdo!

"just tell me for god sake! im sick and tired of you guys hiding stuff from me, if you were my best friend then you would have told me everything by now!" i shouted.

"luna, calm down. you need to stop shouting."

"calm down? you're telling me to calm down? how can i calm down when i have this constant feeling that something bad is going to happen, how can i calm down when every single one of you wont tell me whats going on! and you want me to calm down. pfft!" i was standing by now and pacing around the room. my head was spinning but i refuse to give in to this throbbing headache.

"luna, im serious"

"and im serious too." my body was giving up on me, the harder i tried to stay awake, the more my headache increased and my body became weaker until i became unconscience.




I will try and update as soon as i can. DONT FRET!

     i hope you enjoyed this chapter, not much to say other than


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