chapter 10

150 9 1

luna POV

i woke up and bright light hit my eyelids making me wince, at the sudden brightness.  my eyes slowly adjusted to the light, i looked around and i was in a bed, in the hospital. now how did i get here, i tried to remember but every time i do, i begin to have headaches.

there was this dude sitting nearby, and who is he?

"excuse me, who are you?" i asked, starting to sit up. he got up and brought a chair to sit next to me.

"are you kidding me, dont you remember. wait dont answer that." i got a weird feeling or vibe from him. there was something about this dude that was familiar.

"what? i feel like i know you from somewhere."

"you do."


"nevermind.." he answered quickly.

"why am i here?" i asked

"you fainted." he paused "ermm, you didnt have much to eat today thats why. but your fine now."

"how do you know, i have never met you before, anyways i have to get back, scott is probably worried. you see i have just been adopted by two people, one of them clearly does not like me, and the other is always up in my personal business." why am i telling him so much information. he is a stranger.

he was looking at me intensly, and i was starting to feel uncomfortable. "is there something wrong?"

"no, i-i just wanted to ask you, do you know who i am."

"no but you seem familiar, im not sure why?"

"you dont remember me? i was your best friend." i gave him a weird look, how can i trust this guy. but i had a gut feeling that he was telling the truth.

"erm, okay." i replied.

he grabbed hold of me, putting his arm around my shoulders and his other had holding mine. his hands were warm and gentle. the nurse came in with a smile on her face.

"feeling better." she asked

"a lot, thanks."

"you may go now if you please"

"thank you" he replied before i could. i looked at him again, there is something about this dude that is making me suspicious but something keeps telling me that i am just overthinking.

we walked out of the room and he told me to sit whilst he went to do something, i went round the corner and from then i couldnt see him. i sat there awkwardly, there were stressed out people around, an old man walking with his pole thingy really slowly, along with a nurse who was making conversations with him.

i saw kevin again and he was with, mitch. he had a bandage on his head and was walking really carefully. my head started hurting again looking at mitch. why was he here anyways.

i got up and walked over to them. how did mitch get here?

"there is a cab waiting for us outside we should leave quickly." the dude said before i could even open my mouth to ask a question.

"right..erm, okay." we walked steadily, no one was speaking so there was this awkward silence, i tried to pretend that i was distracted but my eyes always trailed to the boy holding mitch, every time i looked at him he was always already staring at me.

i wonder why, maybe there is something i am forgetting. ive always wanted to lose my memory, but not like later on in life, like my past. i have experience and witnessed horrible things in my life. and i would love to be able to forget that. and start afresh but right now, this feeling aint so great.

we entered the cab and the dude  told the address of our house, mitch gave him a weird look and so did i because i dont remember telling him anything about it. but since he was apparently my best friend i probably told him and forgot about it.

but mitch was still looking at him strangely, he then looked at me and i turned to face away, i have never had a good feeling about mitch the day i met him and i dont think i ever will.

we reached the house and all of us got down. the dude payed the driver and he was off, another question that comes to mind,

mitch walked slowly to the door, losing balance, the boy quickly rushed to his side and held him up. for a 15 year old he had quite a lot of strengh, you can tell from the biceps you know.

i walked awkwardly behind them, mitch pulled out his keys and opened the door, the both entered but i had his urge to not go inside, that someting wrong was going on and i dont know about it. maybe its that boy.

i shook m head and walked inside, the boy was not there and nor was mitch. he probably went to put mitch to rest. i dont know why i had a weird feeling about this quiet atmosphere.


where is scott?

my head started hurting again and i felt myself going weak, i felt hands grabbinng onto me, i looked up and it was the boy. he helped me sit on the couch. as i regained my stability. he was looking at me intensely again.

"s-so, snce you forgot me, i remind you of who i am. or at least try, im kevin olusola, 15, i was your best friend ever since you moved into this local area"

"if i just moved then hhow can we be best friends..." i asked.

"its been more than a week since you have been here, and when you came here i was the first to meet you guys."

"okay, its quite late, you should go home."

"can i stay with you guys." he said almost instantly.

"erm.. dont you have a home to go to..."

"not really... well my parents dont really care whether i am alive or not. to be honest."

"oookaayy... can stay in the spare bedroo..." i wouldve finished what i was going to say but i realized there is only two bedrooms in this house. it was as if it was pre-planned.

"spare room?"

"no..we dont have one, unfortunately." i replied

"its fine i'll just sleep on the couch."

"fine by me."

i gave him a blanket and he made himself comfortable. i went up to my room and jumped right into bed and fell asleep right away.




well....things took a turn.

whats up with kevin? is he hiding something?

anyways superfruit today, if you have sent in your questions i hope for you to get yours answered. i have sent in buttloads. so fingers crossed!




return of the past!     (SEQUEL to clash of hate!...or love?)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن