chapter 21

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" I WANT THEM DEAD! ALL OF THEM, YOU HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT! IF THE BOY ISNT DEAD THEN YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!" i wave my cloak behind me as i spun round marching to my throne.

"yes sir. consider your job done."

"it better be, if not. then alex, you and your little family will suffer!" i hissed and waved my hand at him, signalling him to leave. he quickly stumbled out the room and the door shut behind him with a loud boom.

 pathetic. once the boy is dead, i will have access to the ultimator and finish her. then nothing can come in my way.


wow, these shopping bags are so heavy, if only i didnt leave all the shopping till last minute. my hands are hurting.

"excuse me, you look like you could do with a bit of help" a mans voice came from behind. i turned around and saw a man standing ther with a warm smile, his hair was quiffed and blonde and he had his hand forward.

"if you dont mind,"

"i dont mind" he replied taking a handful of bags. "my name is alexander kirk, and you?"

"mitch hoying. thank you for helping me, its just round the corner"

"no problem."

once we reached i placed the things on he ground and took out my keys opening the door, i signalled for him to enter and just leave them in the kitchen. we walked out into the hallway and i urned around to face him, his brown eyes was staring down at me. i suddenly felt so drawn to him.

"hey maybe you could stay for dinner. im making lasagne" i asked him. forgetting he was a complete stranger.

"sure, i'd love to. i like lasagne"

"great, have a seat and i'll get started on dinner." wwhy am i asking him to stay, why am i agreeing to this. i wouldnt normally do this. wait i feel wierd. this is not me speaking, did he hypnotize me or something, i started making the ingredients for lasagne. this feels so wierd, i am making lasagne but it doesnt feel like i am making the lasagne. oh god, something is wrong. something is really wrong.


kevin sat at the end of my bed facing the wall and i sat near my pillows, leaning my head on the side of the bed. the room was completely silent.

"kevin" i said not facing him. "if i do this will he be out of danger."

"yes, that is if everything goes to plan."

"okay. im ready."

"we leave tonight. its a good thing you have mastered the power to use kirstie's powers, you are going to need it" he was now facing towards me. he got up and walked around the bed and sat next to me, he postioned himself so that he was lying upright, his back agaisnt the bed. "you dont mind if i just sit here for a bit. i need to think" i nodded my head

i thought about what i had just agreed on. i could loose my life during this. i coulld die trying. i may never see the people i  love again. i need to spend more time with them. who is them? i mean mitch. i turned and looked at kevin. i slowly leaned down and placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. it startled him but he accepted the hug and placed his arms around my shoulders.

"thank you"

"for what?" he asked.

"for everything, for being their for me and mitch when scott died. for helping us get through a lot"

"it was nothing. im glad to help you anytime. anything for you." he replied. we layed their in each others arms for a while in silence. i looked up at him. he leaned in and kissed me. he quickly stopped looking away from me.

"why did you stop" i whispered.

"i'm sorry...i sho-" i cut him off by kissing him. he instantly kissed me back, putting his warm arms around me once again, holding me tighter than before. his lips were soft making me want more. i brought my hand up to his jawline deepening the kiss. i could feel the edges of the lips turn up.

awwh, so cute. but im still here, save it for later.

i moved back, our lips separating. but his armswere still around me. he still had a smile on his face as i caressed his cheek. "we should go downstairs. i think dads back" i got off the bed and so did he. i took his hand in mine and we walked out of the room and downstairs. we heaed into the living room and stopped when we saw a man i had never seen before sitting there.

"who are you?"

"im alex." he said flashing a smile"

"what are you doing in my house...DAD! dad where are you?" i said leaving the room and heading to the kitchen.

"yes dear, im making lasagne want to help."

"dad who is that in the living room."

"that alex, he helped me with the bags, so i invited him to stay for dinner."

"dont you think its a bit wierd to ask a complete stranger to stay for dinner. dad i dont like the sound of that."

"dont worry dear, he is a sweetie. i got this."

"that doesnt sound like something you would say. dad is something wrong?"

"noo, so do you wanna help me"

"in a bit."

luna, mitch is in a trance. i can sense some danger around please be wary.

cant you just tell me what is wrong?

if i knew exactly what it was, then i would. for now please stay alert, and watch alex. i dont like him.


i walked back to where kevin was standing and pulled him out of the living room. "kevin we need to keep an eye on alex, dad is not acting himself and the ultimator thinks he is in a trance." i whispered. he nodded his head and we both walked back into the living room. we sat down across from alex and just sat there in silence for a while.

"so alex.. tell us about yourself"




omg i have finally got some things sorted about this book. and you will see more updates. sorry for not updating. i just got so caught up in my other books i forgot about this one.

anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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