chapter 19

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kevin POV

2 days later

scott's funeral was yesterday and its around 2pm now, he hasnt come out of his room since yesterday, luna and i have tried to get him to eat we have sent many plates of food but he hasnt touched a single one.

i sat down on the couch, but then luna comes in. or well, ultimator, because her eyes were glowing purple.

"kevin" she called and i stood up and kept my head down

"yes ma'am"

"the stars are not in our favour, they are showing an unclear image of the future, i can not see anything. after scotts death, everything is uncertain! all my hard work could go in vain in a blink of an eye!" she ranted,

"so what should we do? dont we have a plan b or something?" i said quietly, keepingin mind she is really angry right now.

"i do. but it is very risky. also it may or may not work." she sighed. "i am not sure if my power are developed enough for it."

"but we need to take the risk." i replied, she clearly agreed with me since there was no other option "our chances of victory will increase."

"Even after so many years being an ultimator, I can't perfect that one skill. It is ..."

"One of the hardest skill to learn, I know you have told me before" I cut her off with a sudden boast of confidence. That quickly went down when I noticed her glaring at me.

"I love how you so scared of me." She laughed,

"I'm not scared!" I protested "its respect..."

"Sure." She walked around the room, I would have read her mind but she would know and probably kill me afterwards....literally.  She stopped and was facing the other way and and I was facing the door. I saw Mitch standing there.

Oh shoot. This ain't good.

Mitch POV

The room was dark and quiet just the way I liked it before Scott came into my life... Now that he is gone, all these habits are coming back. Luna and Kevin are always bringing me food but I don't want to eat.

Scott is usually the one making me food, or the other way round. It just doesn't feel right. I only go out of my room to get water and that's it.

I have started getting bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, its not the same without Scott, I would cuddle with him, he would kiss me on my forehead, we even make out sometimes and it was still as cute as it was when we first kissed.

A tear drooped from my eye and I smiled to myself. All these memories stored within me, were beautiful but knowing that I won't be able to make more memories, with the one I love, hurts...

"Sure" I heard an familiar voice come from downstairs, usually I wouldn't be bothered but there was something special about it. Curiosity took over me and I opened my bedroom door.

I was greeted by bright lights that took longer than usual for my eyes to adjust to. I walked downstairs clinging on both my cardigan and the railings.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and Kevin and Luna are standing in the living room. Kevin's eyes suddenly became wide. What's up with him, is he hiding something.... Wait, why is he still here?

He was about to say something when Luna spoke..."Kevin, I need you to make sure Luna doesn't break down, the loss of Scott has traumatized her quite a bit, but she must stay strong for Mitch. Try and convince her that disliking Mitch won't get her anywhere... While you do that I will find a way to get things on track, or somehow fix things?"

Now it was my eyes widened upon hearing the voice. It wasn't Luna's that's for damn sure, I didn't know how I was supposed to feel, happy, sad, angry, shocked...right now anger was on the peek of bursting.

"Kevin are you liste-" Luna turned around, her eyes were glowing purple. Everything was Luna but the voice wasn't and I'm guessing nor was the mind. "Oh shit"

"K-k-...k-kirstie?" I stuttered out. She took a deep breath.





Short chapter. Because I felt the need to end it there.

Ermm, I will try my best to update as soon as I can but I need some time since there are a lot of things going on right now. Until then I really hope this chapter was okay for a filler? Would I call it that...hmmm idk,

Sorry if my writing seems to be lacking....


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