chapter 20

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mitch POV

"Kirstie, how....wha....can.."

"Mitch let me explain" Kevin spoke up.

"Wait what? You know about this....does that mean you have powers too!" My voice was getting louder.

"Yes I do, but that not the point here..."

"Shut up!" I said as calm as possible.

"Kirstie, did you know.."

"Know what." She replied.

"Did you know that Scott was going to die."

"No! No Mitch I didn't, it was not part of the plan! All three of you were supposed to be safe. I don't know what happened and Scott... But I promise you Mitch, I didn't know"

"YOU FUCKING PLANNED MY LIFE!" I shouted, losing my shit.

"No..Mitch i-"




"Mitch I-"

"And to think I actually forgave you for what you have done, you saved Scott last time why couldn't you say him now!" I swear I would have grabbed her by the collar if it wasn't Luna standing in front of me. She didn't answer my question.

"And what is this? What have you done with Luna!" I suddenly feel defensive over Luna.

"Nothing, she is my ultimatum."

"Your ultimatum, oh so you planned all of this. Oh! Oh, now I fucking get it. The letter and the trust Scotts decision if he is firm about it, bullshit! You planned my entire fucking life! "

"mitch!" she shouted.

"dont raise your voice at me! what i need you to do is leave us the fuck alone!" i knew very well that that wasnt happening any sooner. i know everything about an ultimator. i knew she wasnt going to leave her ultimatum until it was time.

"mitch, i have to finish my mission, i cant leave and you know that very well."

"what mission! and dont you fucking lie to me" i shouted

"i have to defeat avalan...i have to kill him"

I burstend out laughing, "you, defeat avalan. NO ONE CAN DEFEAT AVALAN! "

"yes there is someone who can. but the problem is it could be either one of us, but we dont know who. that is why all of you are stuck in this"

"great! just fucking great!"

"mitch, you have to trust me, im figuring it out"

"what! you dont even know what your doing!"

"after scotts death, things dont seem to be going in our favour. but i still have a back up plan that may or may not work."

"care to tell me what the plan is"

"no, i cant...especially to you."

"why what is so special about me that you cant tell me"

"just trust me!" she raised her voice

"TRUST...AND YOU! trusting you is one of the last things i would want to do. scott is dead, you have taken over my daughters body, and you are the root cause of my life being ruined!" luna was smiling.

"what are you smiling about kirstie!" i snapped

"no, no im sorry i have taken over your daughters body" i rolled my eyes at her when i realised what i had said.

"stop trying to change the subject!" i snapped

"im not trying anything! okay, mitch i have to go. i'll speak to you another time."

"no! i still need you to answer my questions!" before i could say anything else, the light faded away from luna's eyes. kevin went to hold luna. who seemed to look weak when kirstie left. he made her sit and brought her a glass of water. kevin then got up and pulled me into the kitchen.

"there is something i...well kirstie hasnt told anyone yet."

"what is it?"

"when kirstie leaves luna's body...she will experience excruciating pain...and if she isnt able to bare it...then there is a possibilty of her dying" kevin told me.

"what!?" i felt a sharp pain in my chest. "She is only 15 she wont be able to bare it!"

"Thats what i am afraid of. She is very fragile right now. She isnt showing much strength."

Why is everything going wrong. First the love of my life leaves me and now there is a possibility of my....daughter....dying. wont there be a single person in my family be alive. Isnt it bad enough that my parents died! That scotts parents died because of me! This isnt fair!

"Mitch. Do you actually consider me your daughter." I heard luna's voice.

" did you...."

"I have access to her powers, kinda figured it out" she smiled, tears threatening to escape.

"Well....i do... always have to be honest...just before i thought you were the reason scott was getting hurt and after he.... that just got worse....but after today, i know for sure it wasnt you."  I smiled back. Then it hit me she was reading my mind so did she...

"Forget that! We'll. Just have to see what happens at that moment of time. I guess." I looked at her. I wanted to hug her so badly but i was do ashamed of myself, the things i have said to her is beyond explainable and awful.

My thoughts were distracted by luna crashing into my chest makimg me stumble backwards leaning onto the sink. I huged her back so tight that i couldve suffocated her.

If only scott was here to see this. To hug us. This moment would have been complete. I just had to hold my grudges to long to a point where i could experience being a happy family with scott, despite it was what he always wanted. I couldnt even fulfil that one dream of his.

I love you scott. You will always be in my heart.





Sorry i didnt upload, im finding it really hard to end this or link each chapter to the end. Literally running out of ideas.

Anyways if your still here after that long break thanks. I have another story i have been working on though. Which has ALREADY REACHE 1K+ im so happy i never knew people like my writing so much.

My first book has recently hit 4k+ despite that one being my first book and it was quite bad it has gotten so much attention which i seriously appreciate. SOOO

I HAVE DECIDED TO DO SHOUTOUTS FOR ANYONES BOOKS. I WILL DO......8 because thats how much (k) reads i have all together. So if you have a book then pm me or comment. Either is fine.


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