chapter 22

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kevin and alex were in the living room and i was helping dad with the food, i cut up the salad and couldnt help but keep watching dad. i noticed he was smiling throughout making the lasagne which is wierd because when making food mitch, out of habit, he is concentrated on what he is doing and has a stern look on his face.

"dad" he didnt look up at me. "dad" i repeated. same response. when the lasagne was ready, i watched as he opened the oven and reached in to grab it with his bare hands. i quickly jumped in and moved his hand away before he burnt it. i got the gloves and go the lasagne out carefully flacing it on the counter. i turned around to face dad who had his hand on his head "what the heck were you thinking" i whispered angrily, making sure no one from outside could hear me.

"wha.. i dont kno-" the look in his eyes changed and i noticed the colour of his eyes turn black. it looked like he was devoid from any emotion. "we must feed the guest." he said in a monotone voice that wasnt his own.

slap him.

slap him? no way!

just do it! before he leaves! quick!

urghhhh! i hate you for this

i grabbed his hand and turned dad so that he was facing me, the empty look still in his eyes. i brought m hand up and smacked him hard across he face. he stumbled a bit but managed to balance himeself and look straigh back at me with his hand on his cheek where i had smacked him. i watched as the blackness in his eyes was absorbed by the pupils of both eyes and his eye colour returned to his normal chocolate brown.

"oww!" he hissed. "what was that for!"  he held his head in pain. he shook his head and then opened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but closed it. "right, i remember."

"who is he and what does he want from us."

"i dont know." just then kevin came in, and asked if everythig was okay i told him everything was fine and that we'll be out soon. i got the salad and dad brought the lasagne. i rushed back and got some drinks and set it all on the table. we all sat down and dad served everyone and sat back down in his seat.

after a few minutes of silent eating i looked up and thought of something to say. im sure alex is here for a reason but what. kirstie said that she could snse danger. and the only one dangerous is alex. i dont want to wait until something happens to know what his motives are.

i noticed that he kept on looking at dad often and around the room as if scanning for something. he looked at the time repetitively, whatever he is here for he doesnt have much time. its 8pm at the moment and no one was saying anything. i had slapped dad out of his trance, which could mean alex has suspected something if he was the cause of mitch being in a trance. i took a bite out of my food and then got up.


i heard a thud behind me, kevin rushed out of his seayt and behind me. i snapped my head in the direction luna had went and she was on the ground. kevin had her head in his arm and picked her up by he leg and placed her on the couch, just as i was about to get up i felt my arm jolt backwards, alex had twisted my arm behind my back and kept a painful grip as he shoved me off my seat. i yelped in pain catching kevins attention. he stood up.

"oh no you dont" alex' menacing voice growled behind me. next thing i see is kevin holding his head and stumbling backwards. his fingers digging deeper into his skin as he screamed in pain. what was happening to him.

"what are you doing to him!" i shouted sruggling to free myself. in return i was spun round and punched in the face. the impact was so hard it caused me to hit the ground and bruise my head. i heard kevins breathing turn ragged.

"the pain he is feeling wont be close to how much pain i am about to give you" alex hissed "his head is on the verge of exploding. but dont worry he is not the person i want. you are! and i am going to make you feel not even double the pain but even more."

"what..have we done to you!" i felt a piercing pain in my back, he had his leg pressing on my back.

"if i dont kill you, then my family dies. and i am wiling to do whatever if it is for my family." he stated " I HAVE A BABY SISTER! and i am not about to give up her future because i didnt kill you. sound cruel but not everything is a happy ending."

he pressed deeper into my back and all of a sudden i felt a wave of scortching heat wave through my body. i let out a blood-curdling scream as the heat continued up my body. i was finding it incredibly difficult to breathe. it felt as if my ribs were close to piercing my lungs. i felt the air in my body being pried out only to return in my body in the brink of suffocation. he was controling whatever was happening. i felt my hand being twisted until it cracked, leaving my hand limp and a gush of pain soared in my arm as. screaming was impossible when he continuously deprived me of air until i needed it the most.

"how does that feel mitch" he said my name with so much hatred. "i herd your husband is dead, good thing you will be seeing him soo-"

everything after that was a blur, lots of screams, and i could've sworn i heard a crack. i thought about what he had said. if i just dies then i would be with scott, i wouldnt have to worry about anything anymore. but then i had to look after luna. with kirstie inside of her she wouldnt be safe. i found my breath and my vision came back to normal. luna was standing there breathing heavily.

"yeah you're right. not everything is a happy ending."




whooaaaa, let me just take a sigh of frickin relief. i am not that good at writing fight scenes but i did my best and i left out what happened between luna and alex bc its not that important. anyways hope this chapter was alright. have a good day :)

return of the past!     (SEQUEL to clash of hate!...or love?)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang