chapter 9

153 9 6

Luna POV

errm....hellooo are your gonna do something!

"oh look who decided to show up! where were you when all of this happened!" I shouted.

"excuse me?" the boy said but I completely ignored him.

I'm going to give you some time to figure it out"

"yeah I know what you mean! this was part of my past.  but, but why did Mitch get hurt in the process."

some one did get hurt in the process of saving your mother right.

"im sorry it was an accident. I was meant to hit the other man but he got in the way." the boy said

honey, I think it would be better if you concentrate on whats happening out there and not in your head.

"huh, what?" i took me a bit to realise i was talking out loud to a person in my head.

"are you okay." the boy asked.

"yes im fine, do you have a phone! call the ambulance"

"i already did, whilst you were talking to yourself."

"im not crazy!" i snapped

"i never said you were. there are better things to be taken care of right now." he motioned to mitch.

the ambulance was here and they took mitch in the van along with me and the boy. to be honnest i have no idea why he was coming, he wasnt related to any of us in any way so why would he help. the boy was sitting nearby mitch whilst i was a bit further away. dont take me wrong, its not because of my hatred for him, its just i dont do blood well.

"do you know him?" the boy spoke up. i looked at him.

"yes. he's..." i didnt complete the sentence.

"he's your dad?"

"what no!, no he is not!"


"can you read mind or something, i said no. he is not." he looked at me intensely before shrugging his shoulder and concentrated on what the doctor was doing. there was something up with this dude.

the van came to a halt and mitch was taken into the hospital and into a room. me and the boy followed behind but we were told to stay outside. i took this time to thank the boy.

"thank you for helping...."

"kevin, kevin olusola" he said with a smile.

"right, so dont you have places to be, i mean i can handle it from here."

"i doubt you can, i mean you barely did anything the whole time but stare and talk to yourself."

"oi," i pointed my finger at him." forget it, you should just go home. your parents are probably old are you by the way."

"im 15. and my parents are not waiting for me, they have got their own lives and i've got mine."

"ermm, okay. im just going to leave it at that. i dont want to get all up in your personal business."

"its fine... so how old are you."

"14. turning 15 in 3 weeks."

"thats cool. so how are you related to the guy if he is not your dad." he asked.

"do i have to answer that?"

"i just wanted to know, simple question."

"whatever!" i was about to say something but the doctor came out the room. "doctor is he okay."

"yes he is stable, he is still is unconscience, and please dont cause him any stress."

"can i see him!" i asked, that was not me! but before i could say anything the soctor replied.


i walked in the room and kevin also followed as if he was needed, i immediately started crying, again not me!

"oi! calm down with your emotions!" i said, loudly. forgetting kevin was in the room.

sorry, i cant see him like this.

"are you okay. your doing it again" kevin gave me a weird look. sitting on a chair.

"yes i am, thanks" i replied.

and you! if you couldnt see him like this then why did you let this happen to him. cant see him like this....and why is tha...

i didnt have to finish my sentence to get my answer.

are you kirstie.

yes, i am.

oh my god! what the, whoa whoa whoa! kirstie. aka the ultimator in my head. why couldnt you tell me this before.

i didnt tell you this you figured it out. but now you have to promise me you wont tell a soul bascally mitch about me.

why not?

if you do, then bad things will happen, lets just leave it at that shall we.

really, you are seriously not going to tell me, and dont you answer me with, 'time will tell' that is soo annoying, because whenever you say that something bad happens or something bad will happen.


but my question is still left unanswered. why do you care about mitch so much. isnt he less powerful than you. i mean i heard you are the most powerful.

i wouldnt say most powerful, but i care about mitch. thats true, thats a long story i'll tell you another day. right now, i think our main important thing is mitch.

not to me, im here because you controlling me.

oh come on, he practically saved you, and this is how you want to repay him.

why did you let this happen, you knew this was going to happen so couldnt you stop it.

no i cant.

your lying.

no i am not.

yes your are, your in my head, that means i can access your thought just like you can access my thought, right. and right now you are lying, you could save him, but you didnt want to because then it would mess up with,

"aargghh!" there was a loud chiming sound in my head, i felt myself feeling weak, and everything became dark.





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