chapter 4

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scott POV

"i thought you wouldve guessed by now."

"the lady at the care home?" i asked, she nodded "why woulld she call you crazy."

"if i told you, you wont believe me, and then call me crazy too" she said,

"i promise, i wont...tell me." she gave an uneasy look, hesitated a bit. "please"

"well it was about 6 years ago...i was in my room in the care home, writing in my diary...well i... i saw..." she was hesitating to tell me alot. "i saw people flying." i think my hert just stopped a beating for a minute damn. but then she is our daughter so she does have a right to know about us, and she needs to know she aint crazy what so ever. 

"luna, now that you tell me that i need to tell you something"

"your gonna call me crazy like everyone else."

"no, actually your not crazy...i believe every word you say."

"really...or are you just saying that for the sake of it" she said

"no because me an mitch were the people you saw" she raised her eyebrows not believing me, crossing her arms over her chest. she kept staring at me as if expecting me to suddenly burst out laughing and say that i'm joking. she started to loosen up, letting her arms drop to her laps.

"your not joking are you?" i shook my head ""

"mitch used to have powers, and because of that we both lost our parents"

"he used to have powers..."

"long story."

"tell me."

so i told her the long story of me and mitch and how we met, what happened between us, how mitch use to have anger issues, but i helped him out, how he accidently confessed he loved me then denied it, how he tried to avoid me. then the whole big thing with kirstie the ultimator. how she was killed by some guy called avalan. i remember mitch telling me he had crazy cool green eyes. and how he proposed to me, i told her everything. and now we are here. me and luna are seriously bonding right now. mitch just has the wrong thoughts.

"oh my...are you kidding me...  never wouldve thought the reason to why people call me crazy will end up being my dad...thats...crazy..." she smiled from ear to ear, she is a really beautiful kid. im glad to have someone like her in my life. now i am completely sure i made the right choice.

she leaned in and gave me a hug, i was totally shocked by her guesture. but i wrapped my arms around her, i felt a spark rush through my arm, only then did i notice she called me dad.

"did you just call me dad.." she lat go of me and looked everywhere except from into my eyes.

"well i guess yeah..i mean..if you dont mind..of course"

"mind! of course i dont mind." this day couldnt get any better.

"okay, forget that now! can i see your scar...the one the ultimator left on your arm please."

"sure" i pulled up my sleeve and showed her the scar, she held my hand with her gentle hands.

its time...

i heard a familiar voice in my head, time for what...what is going to happen. i only used to get voices in my head when... kirstie!

hey scott..

kirstie! but how...she died, what! time for what... i tried to ignore what just happened and concentrated on what was happeneing now. luna was still holding my hand

"hey it looks like a weird 'L' shape, dont you think." i took a look at it and she was right, it looked like a wonky 'L' that was funny, "as if i was destined to be in your life, 'L' for luna." she said as she slowly traced the scar, i was getting a weird sensation in my hand.

its time...

time for what! listen kirstie if you can hear me just get out of my head, last time you were here you got us in some deep...s...trouble! and i dont want anything happening right now. luna just reached the end of the 'L' when a spiralling glow started coming out of my scar, it was heading in the direction of luna.

"as if i was destined to be in your life, 'L' for luna"

no no no no no! kirstie no! dont do this! not to luna! come one, why now couldnt whatever you wanted wait for a couple years maybe never! oh man. what do i do. the glow travelled up to luna's head and when into her head as if it had just absorbed it. then luna fell unconscience.

"luna! luna! are you okay!" i said tapping her cheeks.hoping she would wake up. she suddenly opened her eyes, they were glowing a light purple. i stumbled back in shock. "luna?"

"not luna....kirstie."




okay here is this chapter. kinda short. but okay.



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