chapter 3

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scott POV

we were waiting in the childrens play area for luna, our new daughter. this was super exciting that i was having toruoble keeping it in. first we saw the lady from yesterday come down the stair then behind her was the 14 year old girl that we had adopted. right now she looked innocent and cute which was nice.

"well, luna... there you go, you got someone to take care of you." the lady smiled, AVI-ously fake, she is just glad to get rid of her.

"please, stop the act, your just happy you got rid of me!" my eyes widened at what she said, wow, we think alike, already a mutual bonding.

"thats no way to talk to your elders." the lady replied.

"excuse me ma'am, can we leave now!" i asked politely but bitterly at the same time.

"of course! have a nice life" she sad waving.

we walked to the can and put luna's suitcase in the trunk she went in the backseat and slipped her headphones on, i noticed mitch look back at her as if something was wrong, but i didnt concentrate on that. i started the engine and headed of home.


"ermm, so this is your room, if there is anyting you need or want, dont hesitate to ask." i said, i sounded so formal.

"and if..." i carried on speaking but she shut the door on us. unfortunately i was too close to the door and it hit my head. "oowwwh!!" i said quietly not wanting her to hear.

"oh my god, are you okay!" mitch gasped. suddenly the door opened.

"are you okay? sorry i didnt mean seriously need to watch where your standing." she said, i had my hand on my forehead

"its fine, sorry" she placed her hand on her forehead and started rubbing it. is se mimicking me? rude! i looked over at mitch who was giving her strange looks.

"is there something you want?" she was talking to mitch. but he didnt reply, he simply just walked away into our room.

"im sorry about him he.."

"i dont want to hear it. and please dont bother me when i'm in my room." she said sutting the door behind her. i was totally confused, first she rude then she is nice and then rude again, and why did i pick her to adopt again...i dont even know... but we cant just take her back there, its horrible.

i walked into my bedroom where mitch was sitting on the bed, i walk to the other side of the bed and slide myself onto his lap looking up at him, he didnt pay attention to me. so i decided to start moving in my place as if i was adjusting myself.

"you need to stop."

"why, im just trying to get your attention." i pouted

"oh your not getting my attention, trust me on that one." he smirked finally looking down at me. he grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head. it took me a few seconds to understand what he meant. and when i did... i just wish he didnt put the pillow there.

"so...whats wrong." i ask becoming serious.

"nothing why." he said, hs voice sounding a bit higher.

"im serious mitch, tell me. its about luna isnt it." i said her name and he looked away. "i was right, tell me."

"its nothing, seriously."

"im not buying that, and im not leaving until you tell me whats wrong." i said crossing my arms over my chest. sigh of defeat coming in 3..2...1...

"fine.." he sighed...i know him to well, i smiled to myself. "there is something weird about luna. i dont know what it is but, i am not liking the way she acts. like when she slammed the door in your face then seconds later opens the door holding er forehead as if she has just experience the pain, i mean whats that all about! and her general attitued towards people. okay that staff lady was a bit rude.. but what did we do?"

"look she has had a rough time. and we know how it feels to have lost both our parents, but since we were put into care... we dont know how she has been treated there... look we'll get throug this, slowly and steady... i mean we dont want to rush into conclusions"

"yeah but you rushed into making the descision of adopting her."

"mitch! we just need to give her time to adjust!" my voice becoming louder as i sat up.

"yeah but you shouldn't have just rushed into the descision, i dont want our lives to be ruined because of it." he replied in the same mannar.

"our lives! what about that girls life. dont you think she might going through bad times too!"

"i'm not trying to..."

"forget it mitch. if you didnt trust my descision in the first place then why did you even agree." i walked out slamming the door shut. luna was standing right out the door. i completely ignored the fact she heard everything and rushed into the living room. i was pacing about before sitting on the couch. i could see luna walk inside the living room and was standing at the door.

"if you want to come inside you can.. there is no need to stand and wait." i said, anger visable in my tone. she walked closer and sat next to me, still quiet. "is there something you want, i'll get it for you." i asked dropping my hand from my head and placing my elbows on my laps.

"no...erm yes...well, not i do, i just want to talk." she stuttered but finally saying what she wanted. i was surprised when she said that, the timing was really bad, but this is my only chance to actually get to know her.

"go ahead. im listening." i said slightly turning to face her.

"well,  i heard what you said before.... does he really think i am weird..."

" he doesnt.." i lied

"there is no point in covering it up. if you guys really thought i was weird then why did you adopt me? last thing i wanted was another person calling me crazy or wierd or mentally unstable."

"metally unstable? crazy?" whats going on...




i'm gonna quickly update as soon as possible otherwise it would be extra long.



return of the past!     (SEQUEL to clash of hate!...or love?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora