chapter 7

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Mitch POV

I felt something over me, i opened my eyes slightly and luna was putting the blanket over me, she then headed up the stairs. that was weird. i got up and grabbed my phone from the desk to call scott. but his phone was unreachable.

how could i sleep at such a time. it was about 5 in the morning, and scott was still not back, our argument wasnt that big that he would leave for such a long time. he is never this angry to even leave like this. something must of happened.

and this... luna...she doesnt want to remember anything nor does she want to try. i thought she was getting along with scott, wy wouldnt she want to help him. oh scott where ever you are, i'll find you, just please stay safe.


"hello scott." his blue eyes flickered open and caught my gaze. he began struggling in his spot. "stupid human! you think that will help. there is NO ONE here to help you. but... you can help yourself by telling me where she is!" i said pulling down the cloth i had tied on his mouth.

"how pathetic!" he spat. "if your so powerful then why tie a cloth round my mouth, i thought there was no one here, and plus i dont wish to tell you anything... i dont even know you"

"i put the cloth around your mouth to shuut you up! i know your past, your quiet a talker. and i think you know very well who i am."

"no i dont, care to introduce yourself, and please stop shouting. it kind of ridiculous when we are the only ones"

"I DO NOT FOLLOW THE DEMANDS OF A PETTY HUMAN! i can tear you to little peices and crush your bones with my pinky, i can do things you could never imagine happening. you are nothing to me, but right now...i need you as BAIT! to let the prey fall into my trap."

"mitch.." his voice becoming quiet and shakey

"oh, he was a sweet boy, wasnt he... lots of issues though. HE HAD PROBLEMS!" I laughed "luckily he was saved, by that traitor, but not for long. i will bring that ultimator... TO HER END. and then who will be there to save you and your little family."

"you wont dare to go near them!" he shouted.

"you cant imagine the things i can do. i will crush your family slowly, one by one. and you will watch it happen right before your eyes."

i walked towards him so that our eyes met.

"i know your each and every fear" i hissed "i know your every weakness, and i will use them to bring them at breaking point. AND THATS WHEN I WILL STRIKE!" i shouted making him jump. "but for all that to happen, for me to get what i want.... i will need you to tell me where she is."

"i will never tell you." he breathed out. i rubbed my hand against my chin. this has got some guts, i tell you that.

"i wont hesitate to break every single bone on your body and keep you alive to experience the pain. and your beloved mitch will be in your prensence at that time. so it would be better if we done it the easier way." i said in an extremely sarcasting tone.


"fool. now watch how i bring misery to your life, and if i dont do that then my name is not AVALAN THE SUPREME LEADER OF THE MAGIC WORLD!" I belowed! the entire room echoed with my voice.

"well, if i dont make you fail then my name is not scott hoying husband of mitch grassi!" he said in an amused tone.


"sorry i had to..."

"are you serious! how does anyone put up with you. i think i should keep the cloth on" i said tying the cloth around his mouth.

luna POV

i woke up the next morning and got dressed, the house seemed quiet. i head downstairs and look around, mitch wasnt here. i have had enough, i cant just sit around and do nothing. i know scott is missing somehow because of me. because of you girl that resides in my head.

im not even going to deny that. because it did.

then why arent you doing anything to help, you should at least know where he is! if your not going to tell us then give some kind of clue.

i dont know anything yet, but i am trying from my side, whether you know it or not, im doing way more than you are right now.

of course you are you are te one with all the powers annd stuff, im just a kid what am i supposed to do, i cant drive a car, i barely know the area.

you can fly...

what, dont be ridiculous! i can not fly, you may be able to but i cant.

really, what are you doing now.

i look down and i saw my feet were not touching the ground, i    was    flying,  holy crap i was flying, but how.

i am in your head, but whatever i have comes with the contract, so everything i have you technically have too, but thats only while im here, inside you.

what the fuck, does that mean your not here to stay.

okay moving on!

no, answer me

so if you want to look for scott, do it swiftly. and make sure no one sees you.

dont ignore me! answer me.

i do not have to answer to any of your questions, unless necessary, honey your wasting precious time, go

i went to open the door and as i had my hands on the handle it flung open making me fall on my butt, mitch walked in pacing about. i got up and walked near to him 

"did you find dad!" i asked, he looked up at me as if i said something wrong, as far as i remember scott allowed me to call him dad, we agreed on that.

"dad? whatever" he mumbled "no i didnt"

"im going to go look for him"

"what could you possibly do to help!" he spat.

"you'd be suprised" i replied, no seriously because i am.

"this is not a time to be childish."

"this is not the time to be stupid" i replied quickly, getting frustrated

"excuse me, im  being stupid, you are talking as if you can do everything" he started to get louder

"because i can! i mean i can at least try... not everything is up to you." i replied in the same manner

"everything is up to me, because scott is my husband and he is my responsability and if anything happens to him.."

"well he is my dad too, i dont understand what your problem is. why do you hate me so much!"

"because you are the fucking reason why we are in this fucking mess! you are the reason why scott has gone missing, you are the reason why me and scott argued in the first place, you are not going to help because you dont want to try and remember what happened, you dont want to help so stop pretending and just enjoy relaxing while scott could be in all kinds of danger!" he shouted, tears were streaming down my face. to be honest i dont even know why i am crying.

"are you happy now" his attention turned to me again "are you happy now that you have said that to me, do you feel lighter, less stressed." he gave me a confused look "okay i'll promise you something, the day we find scott and everything goes back to normal, i will leave, i will stay away from you and leave you two with your life. if i am the cause to your troubles then i will go far, far away from you. but not until i see for myself that dad if fine." 





return of the past!     (SEQUEL to clash of hate!...or love?)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon