chapter 6

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luna POV

"what do you mean cant! try!"

because its not time yet. when the time is right. i will automatically relieve you from your troubles.

her use of words, didnt sound comforting at all, and it didnt sound like anything good was gonna come out of this.

there will trust me.

"you can read my mind! thats invasion of my privacy!"

honey, are you kidding me. i could sense her give me an 'are you serious look' am i not already invading so much of your privacy.

true, this is ridiculous! anyone all me crazy now, i will happily accept it, because this whole thing is going to make me lose my mind.

"so you gonna tell me your name! since if you are gonna be in my head i shoul atleast have the right."

i would...but...i cant take chances of you accidently spilling your beans. so i wont. and please dont ask further questions about this.

do i have a choice?

no...not really, even though you have no connection with scott genes wise. you are really like him, and a bit of mitch, with his anger.

oh please, i am no way similar to mitch, nor do i want to be. that guy has an issue with me since day one.

oh dont say that he actually a nice guy, it's what happens when your in love. you get angry at anyone for no reason and you dont want to give anyone a chance to explain. but of course you are too young to know all that stuff.

and what makes you such and expert.

i used to love mitch...heck i still do. i always have. and i am just trying to do what i can to save mitch.

what do you mean save mitch... he isnt in trouble, scott is.

and scott... you didnt let me finish. i could sense the nervousness in her voice, i seriously do not like the way she uses her words and how she says then even more than before.

i just realized i'm having and in mind conversation with someone else, but there not here and i had this weird scowl on my face the whole time we spoke. i got up to get a glass of water in the kitchen.

im going crazy.

hey dont shut me out, dont do that please. im gonna get bored in here. i could take over your body but there is nothing important nor do i have a reason to.

well...urgh "well i dont want to look like a freak having a in mind conversation. so please go to sleep or something, anything just stop talking to me!"

you're making yourself look more of a freak right now by talking to me out loud... not that anyone is even here to notice you.


just like mitch used to say whenever the other person was right. just admit you think alike.

i wanted to say whatever again, but i just left it and ignored her remark. and sat down switching on the t.v.

mitch POV

i feel so bad for shouting at her, i dont know what came over me, aybe its the way she acts that make me think all of that. i couldnt find scott anywhere. i gave up and decided to go home, maybe he might have came home by now. i checked my watch 2:46 am

shit of course he would be, i didnt realise how long i had been out, i ran back home and once i had reached i open the door, and rush to our bedroom,

no one.

i fell to my knees. this is all my fault, if i hadnt shouted at him then none of this would even happen! why the all of a sudden anger! why! i thought i got a hold of that years ago! this sudden mishap doesnt make me feel comfortable with what could happen in the future.

why am i getting a really bad vibe from this.

calm down mitch there are better things to come. there are better things to come. yes i do use the motto that scott told me, it helps. this is just a small, rough time we are having, it wont last long im sure, it cant be that bad.

i head downstairs, i was about to sit on the couch to wait for scott. but i found luna sleeping there. i went to get a blanket and draped it over her, and sat on a sofa nearby. i soon fell asleep, waiting for scott.

luna POV

i woke up and found a blanket over me, i shot up thinking scott came back, but i only found mitch sleeping on the sofa. i got up and took the blanket off me, shit its still cold! i put the blanket over him and went upstairs to my room. he is so weird, first he is angry then he is nice...

told you...


indenial. you know i am right

save it! im going to bed.

you'll realise it, one me

what is wrong with you! again with that mysterious voice, as if you know whats gonna happen. as if something bad is going to happen, why its creepy.

no comment.

good, and lets keep it that way. i cant even get a peaceful sleep without you giving your opinion on tyler oakley.

hey that dude always changes his hair color as if he has nothing else to do in his life

and you dont!

no i keep mines black because i like it black.

great now can i go to bed, and dont you dare, talk when tyler oakley is giving me hugs okay and let me enjoy my fantasy, that will sadly never come true.







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