Chp8: Dictated...

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What was I thinking when I agreed to go to this party?

Mum was coming and to add to my misery she was dictating me around, I felt like a prisoner in my own house. Not only had she selected my outfit but had bought it for this occasion, specially. That too without my consent, she had also bought all the accessories needed with it. I was praying that she wouldn't make me put on makeup.

The outfit was hung on a clothes stand, in fact there was a whole new wardrobe hung on it. Mum must have gone for a shopping spree.

I didn't like mum's taste of clothes, it was horrendous. The clothes stand looked so out of place in my not so elegant room. Thanks to Joe, he had arranged my room to my liking. I was glad that mum had no hand in arranging it. Other wise it would be one of those elegant rooms with silk sheets and a walk in robe which I didn't mind but I preferred less decorated ones. Just like Joe had kept it, if mum were to set it, she would've added different bright coloured lights and what not with glitter.

She had stuck a note to the dress to notify that was the dress of the day. The dress was a black dress made out of some fancy material, it ended above the knees. Not to mention the back was completely made of lace. Over all it was a little black dress.

Well it was nice but it couldn't be worn by me. I mean I don't do little black dress. I took the note off the outer plastic wrap of the dress and read it.

"Don't you dare show up in something other than this. I will be at the salon when you read this so don't dare to start an argument with me over the phone. It won't work anyways so don't waste your energy, honey. And if you do show up in anything other than this, you'll go straight back home to change. See you at the party."

I crumbled the note and through it across the room. I swear someone needs to give her a lesson on how to treat your children, she doesn't know anything about being a mother. All she knows is that she's a dictator and that's it.

Nevertheless I had to wear this dress and face the people.


I stepped down the last step of the staircase, it was uncomfortable to walk in heels. I saw Sebastian, Rose and Mark all dressed up, they all looked presentable but what my eyes landed on next pained so much.

Joe wasn't coming it was so clear. He was wearing a Nike tracksuit and watching TV, when realisation hit me it hit so hard that tears formed in my eyes. I mean I was going to my first party in which I was known as a Wilson and yet I didn't have my only family coming with me, Joe.

"You look gorgeous, Ella" Rose complimented.

"Thanks, you look very decent and presentable whereas I feel so uncomfortable and indecent. But I am threatened you see. You're so lucky mum didn't choose your outfit."

"You don't look indecent but the same couldn't be said for the dress. You would look indecent with makeup on which I am glad you didn't apply. And I know exactly how you feel, I've been there." She patted my shoulder.

"Now if you may want to leave the chauffeur is waiting with the car." Mark added with sarcasm. Joe was so intrigued with what he was watching that he didn't even notice me. I wanted to know why wasn't he coming.

"Sebastian may I talk to Joe for a moment? You guys can wait outside. It won't take long" I whispered.

He nodded and lead Rose in his arms to the door and signed Mark to leave as well. He didn't question regarding it he just left which was a big relief. I couldn't take Mark's ranting right now.


Author's note:

Sorry, the chapter is a bit short.......

Dear readers,

You may comment I would love read ur opinions regarding this book.....


This chapter is dedicated to my friend Rahma806 who recently joined wattpad...

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