Chp24: Quality over quantity...

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There are always the little tricks our minds play on us, leaving us in doubt about what we just witnessed. Your mind questions what you saw, so many times that you actually believe that it was your imagination.

As soon as the waiter placed our orders on the table he left me completely baffled. I noticed his stance and pace, it was as though he was nervous and as he reached the counter to retrieve the next tray placed with it's contents he seemed hesitant about his words, actions and even his next step.

Maybe I was over analysing the situation or maybe there's no situation at all, just like Mark would say. I may not be close enough to Mark but whatever he says stings my heart as though he was spewing poison not words which result in engravings of his sarcastic words in my mind.

I was stirring the milkshake with my straw as I was in deep thought about the scenario at hand.

"Ella, it takes the rain and the sun to form a rainbow where as it only takes a glance to form suspicion and doubt."

"Steve, what are you trying to say?" I questioned his comment.

"I may not be a psychologist or a psychiatrist but the look on your face clearly indicates the type of turbines turning in your head."

"They say that the female species is quite complicated yet you figured 'the types of turbines turning in her head'" Joe retorted, air quoting the repeated phrase.

"You see I am quite an observant guy" Steve replied.

"And you've observed how many such situations?" Joe questioned.

"I may not be an only brother among many sisters but I've had my share of situations."

"And how many may that be?" Joe repeated his question.

"What matters is quality not quantity."

"So what was the quality of the situation?" Joe smirked assuming his victory beforehand.

"Canéda" was all Stevie said before he abandoned us.


Author's note:

This chapter is dedicated to xxmuslimpetalxx

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