Chp21: Secluded...

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You can make many discoveries in a day as the world holds great secrets. I had made my fair share of discoveries and couldn't take more.

I discovered a disguise chamber in my house, that Steve has even disguised himself as the opposite gender, he has people falling for him in his disguise, Joe's an old lady's man and the worst of all that my brothers couldn't even locate our location without a GPS. I mean seriously, they've lived here all their lives and still they can't recognise any store in the streets.

"I don't think my GPS is updated or is this place way too backward to have their locations situated on the GPS?" Steve wondered, we had been going through a lot of streets and stores since we were looking for a place to eat but we just came across hardware stores and some fabric stores. It felt like food had vanished from this planet.

"This place looks rather secluded, don't ya think?" Joe shared his views.

"It sure does look so but you know what's more secluded than this place?" I was planning on using sarcasm.

"What?" They both questioned in unison.

"Your lives since you guys must've been in solitary when you don't even know the way about a place situated quite close to your homes" I bonked there heads together making them glare at me.

"Wasn't it you who got off at the wrong bus stop?" Steve pitched in, then answering his own question he criticised me. "Oh yes it was. Who exactly? The latest gossip Ella Wilson" I clapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shh..shh..someone might hear you" I reasoned.

"But isn't this place secluded like us so how come someone hear me as my life is filled with solitary, I don't think you should've compared this place to me when you think someone might hear us" Steve smirked, boastful about his victory but I wouldn't let this wonderful chance slip where I could easily outrun him with my witty reply.

But as soon as I opened my mouth I caught glimpse of a ice cream parlour as a truck drove past me, the parlour was across the street. And so I rushed to cross the street, on my way I screamed more like squealed "ice cream" so my brothers would know what I was running after. I heard Steve scream "it's a mirage, there can be no ice cream parlour in this secluded place" but I brushed off his comment as I was seriously going to have a head ache if I heard the word secluded again.

I pushed the door of the shop open and was welcomed by a cooling atmosphere, thanks to God for air conditioners. I immediately took a seat at one of the booths and observed my surroundings, there was a window on my left hand side which gave me a clear view of Joe and Steve struggling to cross the main road. Even though I blame my parents for abandoning me but I'd like to thank them since I didn't grow up into a brat or an unaware person which certainly my brothers are, quite unaware of the world out of the house and the fame halls.

There were kids buying ice creams with their parents and friends, it was a lovely moment to cherish. Sometimes I can't help but keep wishing to have such a simple life forever and forever. I guess I should try praying for the things I want since I've got nothing to lose in doing so....

Author's note:
This chapter is dedicated to xanonymousangelx for being by recent follower.

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